Vinyl Top Gutter Trim Confirmation Please



The Older I Get, The Faster I Was
FABO Gold Member
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
Chesapeake VA
I assumed there was different trim for vinyl vs non-vinyl top cars. When I started acquiring parts, I thought I read somewhere here that they were the same, just more of a ***** to install with vinyl.
I asked a question on another thread about rolling the vinyl over the top of the gutter, and @JDMopar added the following information
Different trim for vinyl top . The trim for vinyl top cars has a green stripe along the inside length of the trim.
I’m certainly not doubting him, as that’s what I assumed makes sense originally, but I’d like to confirm so I know if I need to post a want ad.
I would be interested to know too as I am converting to a vinyl top. I’ve never heard of different side trim.
@Oldmanmopar Steve posted pics of the differences in the trim on Dusters a few years ago. I know it's true for Duster, Demon and Sport's because I have seen both versions, and I would assume Chrysler did it for all lines of cars because the same principals would apply across the board.
Just put a vinyl top on this Demon yesterday. Yes they are different. I sold some so I am keeping what you see until My Demon Race car is done. Its getting a vinyl. Legendary tops are pretty thick and found their A pillar seam should be removed and redone or the trim does not go over . One glued back fold on the a pillar should be done and used. They should have sent the a pillars not seamed and connected.



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Thank you both. I had already started a want ad yesterday based on what JDMopar said.
I did get a reply from a guy that joined just yesterday coincidentally, wanting me to contact someone he knows (himself I’m sure) because “he has the part I need “.
Thank you both. I had already started a want ad yesterday based on what JDMopar said.
I did get a reply from a guy that joined just yesterday coincidentally, wanting me to contact someone he knows (himself I’m sure) because “he has the part I need “.
Sure he does.