Voltage issue



Well-Known Member
May 25, 2008
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My alternator gauge on the dash started dancin around today and I noticed my fan while I had my A/C on fluctuating. Changed the voltage regulator and no change. What do you guys think. Alternator?:banghead:
Check the bulkhead connector would be where I would start then grounds.
You didn't say what you're working on. If its a later model, and mostly stock,
First there was a small ceramic box mounted with the coil that controller the electric heat assist at choke. Those go bad a reek havoc on charging systems. Then there is a white harness connector in the engine harness that has the alt' field wires routed through it. Those are also prone to bad connections. None of the above applies to earlier models.
Sorry guys, 75 Scamp. Took it to autozone and had alt checked. Only putting out 12 amps. However, when I left gauge came up and stayed up til I hit a bump. Then it stated discharging again. Might be the bulkhead.
As Redfish posted, look for a big white connector in the underhood harness. The bulkhead is indeed one of the number one suspects.

Read this, even if you do not do the mod. This article describes what happens to the bulkhead, and ammeter. More rare but has happened, is the welded splice.

ANY terminal in the affected system can cause this........loose VR connector. Make CERTAIN the VR it tightly grounded. Brushes going bad (worn, greasy, sticky) in the alternator.

Bulkhead seemed fine. I will keep looking. Thanks
if hit a bump made difference, definitely a connection failure somewhere. Could be in the positive/actual wire and terminal side of the circuit. Could be in the ground/nut and screw side too. The voltage regulator needs a good connection to chassis ground. if the factorys nut and screw method doesn't work, adding an actual wire for the ground path will.
As for the madelectrical link... Where would you be today without your ALT' gauge ? Don't cut out your gauge unless you'll replace it with some other indicator.
Did you wiggle it while running? This might take two people. Try wiggling the connector while looking at battery voltage

Did you read the article I posted? There's a LOT of good info in there about how and why these fail, and what to look for