Voltage limiter, 69 Dart


David Boyd

New Member
Jul 30, 2019
Reaction score
Rockfield, Kentucky
I am not electrically inclined. I know how to check continuity and can solder. I need to know how to test my limiter on my 69 Dart. I assume if I set my meter on DC 10 volts I should be able to see a variation some where. Is there info on here to point me in the right direction? Thanks for any help.
The whole cluster gets 12v. The limiter knocks down the voltage to the gauges to 5v. Power up the cluster and the input to the limiter should be 12v while the output and voltage at the gauges should be 5v. This is true wether you have a standard dash or a rally dash. On a rally dash the limiter is hidden in the gas gauge.
The 5v will not look like 5v on a digital multimeter.

It will look like your meter is going haywire because you are measuring a square wave.

If you suspect your IVR, replace it with one from ,R-T engineering. Pricy but the benefits out way the cost

RTE limiter - rte

You can test it with a test lamp, look for a rise and fall of the lamp brightness.
I verified my gauges can work and all lamps work. Thanks for the guidance, I reinstalled the dash and will check it out. I am ready now if things do not function as they should!