Want to move into Florida again...



Early A-body Valiants
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
eastern, PA and central Florida
I used to live in Florida before I got divorced, but I have to move and regroup. I am wanting to move back and Poinciana and Kissimmee are is looking good to me now. I am looking for a house down there with garage space and under $135K that is all on one level. Anyone know of anything?
Awhile back the homes in Clearwater, Florida were less than half that. Less than two years ago, because time is hazy when in a deployment cycle ( surface the ship-it's summer, surface the ship-oh it's cold as hell, etc.)

Palm beach also had homes extremely cheap a few years ago. Your odds if finding a cheap home are good but you need to rent first so to can shop around when you get here ( the south east) -my neighbor got a house that averaged over 130K for 75K through a foreclosure sale - the owner died, was upside down on the house, and the family told the bank to go down with the ship. Those deals seem worth shopping for.