Way too young...scares me.



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Jan 19, 2009
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East Palestine, Ohio
Yesterday my cousin Valerie passed away at the age of 32. The same age as me. We grew up together until about the last 12 years, where we only saw each other at reunions, etc. She was diagnosed with Colon cancer a few years ago, and it just basically attacked her body non-stop. A complete hysterectomy, parts of her liver, lungs, etc were removed, along with her entire colon, and parts of her large and small intestines.

Obviously, it is a very hard thing to go through for a family. I am upset, and I feel horrible for my aunt and Valeries brother. What scares me is the fact that I have ulcerative colitis, which also affects your colon, and from what I've read, leads to much greater chances of cancer. I'm already on a high dose of prednisone every day, basically for the rest of my life, as my body quit producing cortisone because of the dosage. It is the only way for me to lead a normal life and work. So my bone density is getting less and less, my immune system is getting worse, and I still have very, very bad days. No other medicine works.

I try to tell myself that I'm going to be fine, but I can't help but think of the long term toll this is taking on my body.

Sorry, I just had to vent a little. Glad I have the kids and my fiance to keep a smile on my face.

Oh, and if it has taken a while for me to return any pm's, etc, I apologize.
Real sorry for the loss of a family member, but now you have to take care of your self, a prayer for you and your family

Sorry to hear of your loss, and of your condition.
Hang in there buddy, and try to live life to its fullest, good luck.
Sometimes all you can do is see your doctors regularly and, stay on top of your health.
You got to keep a positive attitude through out your life,humor and laughter makes it easier.Do not dwell on the bad parts push on thru...
My father's favorite saying that "he liked waking up in the morning knowing that God has grant him one more fine day."
Live each day like it was your last.
Too much good things in life too dwell on the bad.
Wow man im so so sorry for ur loss my prarys go go out to ur famliy man ... but u have to keep ur head up bud i know its hard ive lost loved one to the cancer .. i did the same thing as u thinking that i would be next .. u just keep the check ups with ur docs to make sure .. dont worry to much bout it .. keep the fath in god man hes the only one that can really help . set down and have a long talk with him it help bud if u need me hit me up any time
So sorry to hear. My Condolences to you and your family. Prayers are on the way for everyone.
Sorry to hear about your cousin. Don't bury yourself in gloom. Stay positive and fight. She would want this for you.
My condolences for the loss of your cousin Valerie. As you live your life, try not to worry, it does no good; you have your own separate destiny. Statistics are just a collection of highly variable outcomes.
Sorry to hear about your cousin, but as members ahead of me have said take care of yourself and your family. Don't look back only forward.
gosh and I thought I had worries.

I hope you can hang in there, life is not fair sometimes. I can only image the grief and worries you must have. Cancer is unpredictable, my father was one of 5 kids, all have died of cancer, he is the last one left yet seems to be in great health getting close to 80 now. He lost a sister when she was around 32 and the others died in their 60's. You just never can tell what is going to happen.

The best of luck to you
Tell the people that you love that you love them. Tell them as often as you can.

I wish you enough courage to say "I love you" to them at the end of your visits and conversations instead of "goodbye".
I wish you enough love spoken in return by them to give you peace with their deaths.........whenever it may happen.
I wish you enough love through Jesus Christ to help you through your life........however long it may be.
As someone who has lost a loved one to that particular cancer, I know all too well just how f$#*ing nasty it can be. My condolences to you and your family. Stay regular with your checkups and don't let it take you down as well.
Very sorry to hear of your loss, very sorry.

Last Thursday, I received a call from my best buddies cell phone from back home. I answered it like a smart ***: "What!?!?" because my phone said it was him.

It turned out to be his sister telling me she had just found him dead. He was only 63, and had worked hard all of his life, just to recently retire. I have been torn up ever since, and I could not get down there to the quick funeral.

Life just plain sucks sometimes! Prayers to you and your family.
My sincerest condolences. I lost a cousin when we were both about 26 to cancer, another who barely made it to 18 and fought it all his short life, and a sister in her '50's to brain cancer.

None of these folks did a thing wrong.
That is what's so wrong about cancer, you can live a healthy lifestyle yet still die so young. Guys like George Burns can smoke all their lives and laugh about how their doctor told him to stop but now his doc is dead so good thing he didn't listen to his advice.

It must be luck and genes--and maybe something else we don't know about. I hear theories that cancer might be caused in part by viruses in the air. Its like catching the flu, you could be at the wrong place at the wrong time and get exposed to the viruses. Why not all smokers get lung cancer.

There is lots of promising new drugs on the horizon they are saying. We will see, I hope so. We seem to be so smart now vs 100 years ago but certain cancers we have made so little progress.
Thanks everyone. Alot. What everyone said is true, I have to keep my head up. I just got back from the calling hours, and seeing everyone made me think alot. Talking to her mom and brother (my aunt and brother) gave me some motivation to stay positive. My fiance also has helped, having lost her 27 year old brother to leukemia 2 years ago. And you guys helped too. I guess its good to vent your worries sometimes, I'm not too good at that. I'm always the one helping and listening to everyone around me.

On a different, but similar, note, I had my dr checkup today. Turns out because of some blood being where there shouldn't be, I have to get a cat scan saturday. He said it could possibly be something like kidney or bladder cancer. Wtf? So, I told him that just today I was going to my cousins calling hours that passed away from cancer. He called in the cat scan personally to make sure I could get it asap. I hope its something stupid.
Thanks everyone. Alot. What everyone said is true, I have to keep my head up. I just got back from the calling hours, and seeing everyone made me think alot. Talking to her mom and brother (my aunt and brother) gave me some motivation to stay positive. My fiance also has helped, having lost her 27 year old brother to leukemia 2 years ago. And you guys helped too. I guess its good to vent your worries sometimes, I'm not too good at that. I'm always the one helping and listening to everyone around me.

On a different, but similar, note, I had my dr checkup today. Turns out because of some blood being where there shouldn't be, I have to get a cat scan saturday. He said it could possibly be something like kidney or bladder cancer. Wtf? So, I told him that just today I was going to my cousins calling hours that passed away from cancer. He called in the cat scan personally to make sure I could get it asap. I hope its something stupid.

We will keep praying for you.
We have two women in our bible study group who are cancer survivors and I myself won out over a major depression in 2004/2005. Only one explanation - FAITH! God is the ultimate physician and prayer support from your friends is also a huge help. Stay with the docs that God has given the talent and knowledge and BELIEVE - thats what got me and my friends through. My prayers are with you and your family! Wouldn't mind a few in return for my 37 year old daughter, she has Lupus!
We have two women in our bible study group who are cancer survivors and I myself won out over a major depression in 2004/2005. Only one explanation - FAITH! God is the ultimate physician and prayer support from your friends is also a huge help. Stay with the docs that God has given the talent and knowledge and BELIEVE - thats what got me and my friends through. My prayers are with you and your family! Wouldn't mind a few in return for my 37 year old daughter, she has Lupus!

Prayers are sent for you and your daughter.