Wcfb checkball qeustion


matty wardle

mopar dedicated
Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Hi I am building a wcfb for my 56 imperial, the check ball below the accelerator pump I have butchered, hit it too hard into the casting and now it is stuck solid down there, put new pump in, filled bowel and pumps great even though the checkball is stuck solid down there, my question is that ball meant to move and if so why, cause from my test the pump is working great with it locked solid down there, what's the purpose of it, its butchered down there I can't get it out, but its sealing fine, will this carb still work okay??????
The purpose is to limit fuel from leaving the bowl. The carb can see enough vacuum to siphon out the fuel from the bowl.
A solid cast bottom?
Under the ball check?
Then how would the pump shot get any fuel?
If you put fuel in manually the pump will work. Fill just the bowl and keep pumping and I am sure you will run the pump circuit dry unless you refill the pump area. You could be pulling the pump up to far and fuel is coming in the side. I have seen this in the past. Put the carb body in the oven upside down heat to 250 and it should fall out.If not use air and reverse the flow blowing it out while hot. Let cool then take a small counter sink bit and reface the seat by hand and install a slightly larger ball. If you need a larger ball measure yours and I have them. price of a stamp