Weight Gain?



My Member is Legendary!
FABO Gold Member
Apr 18, 2020
Reaction score
Cadet, Missouri
Looks like Doggie and I have gained a bit of weight...
Pics are Four Years apart!
Covid Era Purchase Day 1, April 12th 2020


All is good. :) Both of you are still into it! You have really made good progress on that car. Keep up the good work. I love the '65 Cudas.
I have no trouble gaining weight. I can do it with a snap of my fingers. Oh, wait a minute I can’t snap my fingers. But I can still gain weight. Kim
wow, look at the difference in front end sag on that cuda, you really are pushing down on it in that last pic
WE had to put our Dacshund on a low cal diet. It is a Purina low cal and it has done the trick. You my friend, you are just pleasantly plump! Can you run 20 yards and not pass out though!!! My little dog can run 200 yards now!!
Weight creep its called usually every 10 years over time we gain weight even those who appear skinny all their lives it happens to them also.
Weight creep its called usually every 10 years over time we gain weight even those who appear skinny all their lives it happens to them also.
I wish.......136lbs in 1986......134lbs in 2024. Can't gain and keep a pound.
I'm maintained my weight for over a decade, just need to do a couple things and hopefully drop some each month. If not, I'm ok with the way it is.