Weinermobile Crashes Into Wisconsin Home

Oh No Mister Bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's sad news.
I thought my stepdaghter was the only one to run into a house.#-o Stand clear.

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Either there are more than one weinermobiles, or they drive this thing at a pretty good clip. It was just in Birmingham, Alabama a week or so ago.

It's occasions like this where it's not a good time to sing, "Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner..."
Either there are more than one weinermobiles, or they drive this thing at a pretty good clip. It was just in Birmingham, Alabama a week or so ago.

It's occasions like this where it's not a good time to sing, "Oh, I wish I were an Oscar Meyer Weiner..."

Equal number of buns and weinners is rare. Who knows how many complete ones they have ? LOL
Good, I hate the weinermobile! That jerk cut me off in traffic when I was driving truck through LA a few years ago. I was all excited because "Hey thats the friggin weinermobile, cool!" and then no signal, no nothing just cuts me off, I almost bounced off the guard rail.
Just some useless information for you all there are eight weinermobiles on the road in the usa at any time and two older ones incase one breaks down the other six older ones and many others are sent to diffrent countrys for advertising
Good, I hate the weinermobile! That jerk cut me off in traffic when I was driving truck through LA a few years ago. I was all excited because "Hey thats the friggin weinermobile, cool!" and then no signal, no nothing just cuts me off, I almost bounced off the guard rail.

JR...only that crap would happen to you:bootysha:
I'd hate to be rammed in the rear by that thing (Barney Frank would love it).

It would have been more appropriate if it had crashed into a brothel.
I bet that thing totally ruined that garage for the husbands V-dub!!! He couldn't even tell he pulled into the garage last night!