Well crap, weather delays suck.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
Reaction score
Lakeview, OR
My wife went to California for christmas to be with her 86 year old mother.
I was suppose to leave the house around 5pm today to pick her up from her return to Colorado.
She just called, they cancelled her flight due to snow in Denver. I got up to see a couple inches this morning, but not snowing. Guess it must be a little worse out by the airport. So now instead of a 1:50pm flight, she's on the next available flight which is an 8pm flight. So now she has to hang out at the airport for like 8 hours, and wont get to Denver till 11:30pm.
Going to be a long night, probably wont be home to Lyons till like 1 or 1:30
And that's if the 8pm flight doesn't get delayed or cancelled. The gal at the checkin desk said either of those things is a possibility.