Well, It's Official - Las Vegas is CLOSED.



Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2004
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Lakeview, OR
Just got done cancelling all our reservations for the first week of April.
Then shortly after I found this video.
Everything closes tomorrow. All hotels / casinos, all restaurants close or offer delivery or curbside takeout. All gyms, salons, barber shops, shopping malls and stores. Everything closed for 30 days, and people being told to stay home.
Only things operating will be essential services, Hospitals, Fire, police, grocery stores, gas stations, and for some reason hardware stores.
Cant wait for someone to post pics of Vegas at night with everything closed.

And of course this also means that Musclecars at the Strip has been postponed.
From the MATSLV website.

Muscle Cars at The Strip has been postponed…..
LAS VEGAS – The 18th annual Muscle Cars at The Strip event has been postponed due to the spread of the Corona virus. The event was scheduled for March 20-22, a makeup date is to be determined.

Ticket-holders and Participants credit will be held until a new date is announced.

The event credit can be applied toward any future Muscle Cars at The Strip event.

Questions may be directed to event promoter Phil Painter at 702.256.8254 or at [email protected]. Also visit the event’s website at www.matslv.com. We sincerely appreciate everyone support and patience at this time, the notification this morning to us was beyond our control."
Was listening to sport radio yesterday and they said last time lights went out in Vegas, was for Frank Sinatra passing.
Sin City, the most free metropolis in the nation. You'll never see anything like it under communism.
I dunno, Look how much "wealth redistribution" happens there. Everyone loses and the casinos get richer...Bernie would be proud.
Seen a post on FB that the Vegas Spring Fling has been cancelled.
actually i could do without it
Yea me too. But it's an American icon of excess and success.
Can't stand the place personally. I used to go there to bowl. For events it is nice.
But if I want to see the Eiffel Tower I'll go to France, pyramids then Egypt. Last time I was there one of the casinos had a lion in a cage as a spectacle and a pint of beer was $15. That was it for me.
I heard the casinos wanted a Government bailout! The report said those casinos will lose a million a day.... wow!!