What causes delayed ignition when warm



Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2008
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Tampa FL
What causes the ignition delay when an engine is slightly warm?

My 10+ old rebuild 318, cold starts fine. Fires with only a turn of the key when hot but if it sits longer than 5-10 minutes it has to turn over several times before starting.

What causes this...and is there a cure?
Very first two steps are to verify that you actually have GOOD ignition when warm.

Check primary ignition voltage and check spark QUALITY

But most of the time, "warm start" problems are fuel related

Fuel boiling/ vapor lock, etc.

Best things I did with mine (before going EFI) was to install a rear mount electric pump, put a heat isolater under the carb, and install a vapor return system using Wix 33040 or-41 filter --5/16 or 3/8 respectively-- which have a built in 1/4" outlet with a return orifice.
Its not like the car wont start when hot or warm. for example

Starts with a bump of the key after a quick stop at the store. But let it sit for 15 min and it takes longer to fire over...it starts just takes a little longer.

How thick of an isolator did you Use?

It may be related, but in hard breaking conditions it also wants to die.