What color?



Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2010
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I've got a 69 Dart that is a factory off white with a black vinyl top.The vinyl top was toast and its gone now and most of the metal work is also done and almost time for body work and paint. I don't want another vinyl top on the car, but now I can't decide on what color to paint the car that would look good without a vinyl top. I also really don't want to go back with white if I can help it. So I guess I'm just looking for opinions/ ideas on what color you all think looks good on a 69. I know this kind of a loaded question but any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
first of all, what color is the interior? If it's white or black you can pick any color. If it,s a color like green or blue, your kinda limited to certin colors. somthing to think about anyway. I say pick a color that pleases you and not everybody else, after all it's your car.
Can't go wrong with a any of the factory blue colors of that year. I kind of like that dark metalic green from that year too. White seems kind of boring but it really looks nice when it's new and done nice.

Good luck hard choice.