what do you do when your order is wrong?



Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2004
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If you order (you think) .020 pistons and .020 rings because you don't need to go .030, and they send you .020 rings and .030 pistons, which do you send back?
The pistons because you wanted .020, or the rings, because it's more cost efficient to send them back?
Since it was their mistake ask them to send a call tag from their shipper to pick up the WRONG parts they shipped. This way you don't have to lay out a penny!
The only other consideration would be is time. 30 over pistons are usually a stock item and 20 overs are special order. If you are in a hurry send back the rings and go with the 30 over.
dgc333 said:
The only other consideration would be is time. 30 over pistons are usually a stock item and 20 overs are special order. If you are in a hurry send back the rings and go with the 30 over.

.....wonder if that's why .030 pistons are en route to my door
green67cuda said:
.....wonder if that's why .030 pistons are en route to my door

Was this a trick question?
Actually, your first step should be to fine another supplier. If they can let something like that slip out, what else did they screw up. If you gotta pay a little more for service, its worth it many times over.
I was going to order from Summit, but i was already on the Jeg's site, adding things to the cart, just to see what i was getting...and said...screw it...may as well complete the order.
when the order gets here today, i'll call and complain and see what they want to do about it.