What have you named your car?

Sally the Swinger (sally for short, obviously). Girlfriend thought it up about a week or two after i bought it. not quite sure why she chose SAally other than is sounded good sayin Sally Swinger. my girlfriend is odd tho. anyway name stuck. ..maybe its the pastel yellow that Sally comes from? hope the name hangs on after i paint it!

oh and my uncle calls his charger the old girl. everytime he starts it or menstions it he says "the old girl this or the old girl that"...i persoannly gave it another name....Taz. My uncles favorite Looney Toon Character was Taz so he has Taz all over it.

My girlfriend was goin to call my car Tweety but didnt feel right...then again, my car now have Marvin the Martian crap all over it, but thats another thread...
Mine original 73 duster was named by my friends, the rebirth will have the same name: the Blue Missile