I agree with the hyd TB and I have looked at American as well as the McCleod one.
No issues talking about the MC/SC system as it is in pretty much the same subject.
I used a Wilwood MC and a pull style slave. I have gone through a few of them trying to get it where I want it, in fact I have a brand new one waiting to be put in that offers longer travel. I modified my clutch pedal a little but I installed my MC at the same angle as the original rod. Initially I had some problem getting it adjusted to where I had some free play and could get full release, fortunately I made an adjustable clutch rod and the slave cylinder is adjustable on both ends. The one problem that I am experiencing is that the clutch is very heavy (feels like an old school Hemi clutch). I am thinking that I am not getting the PP to over center so it is stiff all the time right now. I cannot remember what PP I used and have looked through my records without success, it could be the PP is just too stiff.
Using a MC/SC system isn't by any means new, Desoto used this system back in the 40's and Mustang guys have been using it for years, in fact there are several imports that use a similar system. The thing I like about the MC/SC set up is that you do not have to pull the trans if your hydraulic TB has problems and all your adjustments are on the outside so they are accessible whereas with a hydraulic TB you have to measure and then hope you did it right, if not the trans has to come back out.