What was I thinking..........



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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........when I decided to build an early A.

After 8 years of not having a dash or seat in the car, finally had a chance to saddle up and grab the wheel...........at 6'4" 330 lb......... a little on the tight side maybe.
Seat is mounted in rear floor pan area LOL. Should have been a C-Body build


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I was 35 lbs lighter when the project was started....... Most people just want to be able to fit into their old pants.......I just want to be able to get in my car LOL.
OK I will go out on a limb here. First I am not ragging on large people and I see no problem in you moving the seat back so you will fit in what looks to be a cool Barracuda. My brother bought new in 1980 a Dodge Colt Sport. He weighs in at about 400 lbs. Over the years he has had the seat break many times. Bought a after market seat for it. Floor ripped out and had that re-welded back in (this is in Calif-no rust). Many many times I see people in a car that they do not fit-Why? Like the lady in her 60's VW bug. She is so over sized that she has to hold the steering wheel by wrapping her arms around it and holding it from behind. Why do large people buy small cars?
Move the seat back and enjoy the ride, never give up on a cool cuda like yours! I love my 65 cuda, but no issues with fitting. Never judge people by size shape or color, just by the amount of fun or joy they get in the ride they choose! Make a little room and stomp the pedal to the metal.....................
Im with him ^^, its your car and you spent all of the money and time on it, just need alittle mod
You may also want to try and lower the seat. I'm 6'1", 280, and I HATE staring at the sunvisor!! My wife is 5'2, 110, and I sometimes drive her Mercury Villager. Bad enough driving a minivan, but with her CD holder on the visor I can only see about 10' in front of the hood!
Personally I like the seat low to the floor, the most comfortable car I ever owned was an '89 Camaro. Most people complained that the seats were too low, but just right for me, I want to feel like I'm driving a race car, not a dinner table!
May want to invest in lower seats as 4flats is saying and moving the seat back. Your car is way too cool! 8) Lol, thats too funny about the pants thing.:toothy10:
Reminds me a little of 27 years ago when I bought my '83 25th Anniversary Hurst Olds off the dealer showroom floor at Harris Oldsmobile (now out of business - thanks GM) in Whittier, CA. They also handled DeLoreans and had one sitting on the showroom floor.
Just for kicks I got in, sat down, adjusted the seat all the way down and back (I'm 6-3) and pulled the clamshell door down. It hit me on top of my head!!!
Another salesman - who didn't know I'd just bought a car - saw it, came running over and said, "Sir, we can take of that by just lowering the seatpan if you're ready to buy".
If you have the factory seats, the seat bracket has quite a bit of adjustment in it and more if you slot out the holes a bit. Just takes a 1/2" wrench.....
Well if you had a choice, grow up or out...growing up aint no fun, plus you would be putting a sun roof in it, or making a ragtop. Do what ya can and it looks cool Hightower!!
I am 6'4" 210 & I fit comfortably in my '65 Barracuda. My seats appeared to be set as low as the adjustment allowed. It is a little lacking on leg room but no more than I am used to in just about any car. I had a buddy ride along with me & he is around 6'10" & well north of 300 pounds. I could barely see out that side of the car & I thought he wasn't going to be able to get out! We could not stop laughing. I don't think he will be buying one anytime soon. I would check the seat height & possibly redrill some new mounting holes back a few inches but I would never get rid of it. It looks great!
These photo's are with the seats mounted approx 6" to the rear of the original mounting holes........... BTW Procar seat mounts do not line up properly with original holes.
I had to modify the mounting brackets to get another 1" lower, can not go lower due to not being able to level side to side.

Gonna take another look at the situation when I get back home in a couple weeks.
Trying to decide on wether or not to install the headliner LOL

It has been a concern for some time between myself and buddy that helps me, he is 6" 6" 280 as well.
Whats the old addage " Stuffing 10lbs of s#%t in a 5lb bag"