What Was the FIRST Cinema Movie You watched?



I remember my mom took me to watch "Chicken Run" when I was about..6?

What was yours?
The Incredible Mr. Limpett. Don Knotts turned into a fish. My babysitter took me to the drive-in. It was quite an event for little kid.
E.T. The whole family went. For my mom to convince my dad to sit in a theatre for two plus hours was a big deal for us.
I think it was King Kong or maybe Rocky back in 77 at the dollar matinee. We were more drive in folks when I was younger then that. I remember Food of the Gods, SSSSSSSSSSSSS, some roller derby movie with R Whelch, a couple of biker movies and Mc Donalds hamburgers =P~. Back when they had only served a million burgers.:-D
Probably the Beatles "Hard Days Night". Boy I'm getting old!
Space Odyssey 2001 was the first one I can remember.
I was about 11 years old and my grandmother dropped my two younger brothers and I off at a walk in theater in fla somewhere 8)
The first cinema flic, the original Star Wars.

Me and my older brother saved out paper route money and walked the 3 miles or so down the hill from the projects to the old cinema in Excelsior Springs, Missouri. I was 8 and he was 10. Wow!! I though I had died and gone to heaven. Not only because of the special effects, but we sat towards the front in the middle. Truly unbelievable for an poor 8 year old in 1976!

My first Drive-in was the Exorcist. I think I was 5 or so. I remember going and her head spinning around but that is about it. Pretty boring movie for a 5 year old. 8)
Star Wars was 77. I know I watched that movie at least 15 times in the theatre.

I seem to remember some horrible Blackbeard's Ghost movie with Peter Ustinov as being my first.

Going to the movies was serious business back then. Pre-HBO, VHS, DVD. It was your only chance to EVER see it without commercials.

I had seen some Disney movies at the theater, but the first REAL movie I saw was Star Wars. Still love it to this day.
King Kong vs Godzilla or The Blob can't remember which was first.
I was rooting for King Kong. I think about the blob now and it's funny, shoot until your gun is empty and that didn't affect it so throw the empty gun at it!!
The Ghost and Mister Chicken with Don Knotts at the White Horse drive-in theater. I dont think he was in the original The Love Bug. That was Ken Berry ? anyway... my next door neighbor was a few years older than me and had his first car,an Opel Kadett. He talked me into playing hookie from school and going the Carolina Theater with him and 2 other high schoolers . We watch Vanishing Point 3 times in a row.