What would you do ??



Superior Member
Apr 5, 2006
Reaction score
Meridian, Idaho
I am in a quandry and not sure what to do.

Here is the situation.

I have been rat-holing a 71 340 bare block for a rainy day. Its just the block and mains. Thats it. It is a virgin bore block. I have never had it checked for damages but I suspect all is good as the bores and such all look clean.
Will I ever do anything with it ? Dunno... dont have the funds to build it so it just sits as it is.

The offer.
I have a mechanic here at work that would love to take the block off my hands AS IS. He has offered to BUY the basic MSD set up for my Duster and remove all the crap that chrysler has in there and INSTALL the MSD stuff and whatever needs to go with it. (Keep in mind I have been having all kinds of electrical issues with my ignition system). I dont do electrical. So that part would be benificial to me.

I know what the block typically goes for... the question is... would it be worth trading him out and avoiding my headaches with my car and clear a spot in the garage where the block sits ?

Or would I be dumb to unload this block in trade ?

Thoughts ??

If you'll never use it, it might be worth the trade.
If you're comfortable with his work, the trade may be a good idea. I'm the type of guy who finds uncluttered space to be hard to put a price on so clearing space in my garage would be motivation for me as well.
what MSD is he buying?

this one? $174 http://www.summitracing.com/parts/MSD-6201/
another $40 for the coil? http://www.summitracing.com/parts/MSD-8202/
or is he going to buy a ready to run dist for ya? $356 http://www.summitracing.com/parts/MSD-8388/?rtype=1

its pretty easy to install the MSD set up.

is putting MSD in going to solve your problem? what exactly is the issue with the ign system? there isn't really that much to a stock ign set up.. have you checked the wiring and grounds? probably something really stupid wrong with it..
I don't think I'd trade a 71 340 block for that :-k

Not good @ electrical issues here either, but getting better with help from the members.........
I would tend to look at it this way. What's a used 340 block worth? $200-300? Maybe a little more? That's about 4 hours labor at a $75/hour shop rate. If he has to buy parts then the dollar value goes up from there. In my opinion, if I had the opportunity to trade out a bare block that I may or may not use in order to get my car running correctly I would do it in a heartbeat. Especially when it's an area where I'm not very comfortable and would probably spend 3-4 times longer to do the same job. I've started trying to clean house myself because I've realized that all the parts I've collected don't do a dang bit of good in a car that doesn't move. I figure if I need/want them I can find them again later once I'm at a better place with the car.
..learn your electrical system...it's really quite simple.
and that will serve you a lifetime.
is putting MSD in going to solve your problem? what exactly is the issue with the ign system? there isn't really that much to a stock ign set up.. have you checked the wiring and grounds? probably something really stupid wrong with it..


Identify your electrical/ignition problem first to see if the MSD is the answer.
thanks for the input and suggestions all.

Here is a link to the electrical concern

as i dont want to go into it here.

I probably could figure out whats wrong with the car with more knowledge and most of all more time to work on it. I have put soooooooo much time into this dang car I just want it to run when I want to go somewhere. The new MSD set might not fix this problem.. but the upgrade might be beneficial....

Around here I can prob get 500 bucks for the 340 block no problem as they are very hard to locate around these part.
crackedback ... you had helped me with the serial # before.

Here is what you came up with.

06-29-70 block
probably used in a '71