What's the (installation) Trick?: Headlamp Bezel/Trim Ring



Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2009
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La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico
The '65 A Body headlamps have two fasteners across from one another on top, and a little ledge kind of a "catch" used to grab hold and secure the very bottom (see photo #3). Trying to re-install the bezel today, I finally gave up. I tried; A) to place it head-on and then push up slightly, did not work; B) to place it offset, pushing it in carefully, and giving it a very small rotation, did not work either. Thanks for any hints you have to offer (did a search on FABO, but came up with only wanted/sale info).

headlamp bezel catch 1.JPG

headlamp bezel catch 2JPG.JPG

headlamp bezel catch 3.JPG
The weird screw attaches to two of the top holes on the ring after you clip the trim ring under the clip at the bottom of your 3rd pic on your first post.
Hope that makes sense!
Having the same issue with my 65 Valiant. Let me know if you figure out the trick to it. I'll touch base if I have any luck.


Here is where those long funny looking screws go. In the top of the light bezel. The little clip at the bottom might need a little bit of bending to fit in the bezel properly. I have no headlight bulb in my car.
You’ll have to adjust the little part on the bezel or when you put the screw in that little bottom clip put pressure on it forcing it down as the hole in the clip has some slop in it. It might grab the bezel a bit better that way. I just installed mine last week and played around for a bit until they stopped coming off.
I'll try again. I clip it on the bottom, but when inserting the two top screws it pops off again.

Stupid question but make sure it's not popping off because the holes you're screwing into are stripped out.
Mine were, previous owner used hillbilly wood screws to hold the trim ring in.

Hope you have some good luck.
And I suppose I don't need to say to make sure the head lamp is not sitting up too high in the bucket, Not all modern headlamps fit in the older buckets. Sometimes there are buttons on the back of the reflectors, that have no corresponding divots in the buckets. This usually makes it difficult or impossible to install the retaining rings tho.
I say this because your sealed beam is not centered properly, and your bezel may be getting stuck ontop of the lens instead of sliding in beside it.