Whats your thoughts on this glove box door



Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2013
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Red Lion PA
I was fortunate enough to get my glove box signed last year by Richard Petty and then 2 weeks later Don Garlits was in the area and I got his autograph as well on the door.

So I was going thru some things last night and I found some Dart emblems that I had bought about 3 years ago. Here are 3 pics with the emblem in 3 different spots and I would like to know where you think it would look best or if I should not even put it on.



I know some will say do what makes you happy but on this one I would like to hear your thoughts. I dont want it to look to tacky. Also I am replacing the Dart emblems that go on the top side of the inside door to these emblems as well. I will be welding plugs in the holes where the original Dart or Dart GT emblems mounted.
And just to let everyone know I am kinda mixed between not putting it on the glove box door and mounting it on the lower right hand side.
Thanks for your opinion.
I think I would go on the left side but a bit farther inboard than you posted. It carries your eye down from the first sig, across the Dodge emblem, back up to the Hurst emblem and then across to the second sig. Too far left and your eye doesn't know where to start.

Glove box 1a.jpg
The top pic is definitely the best, don't f it up with the dodge emblem
Oh and you need it clear coated so it stays nice.
IMO, the Hurst emblem would be "period correct" as people would buy those Hurst emblems and stick them anywhere on the dash. I am not 100% sure the factory installed Hurst emblems, maybe someone can elaborate. The Dodge emblem makes the glovebox door look busy, like its a bit too much, but If I were going to go with it, I would center it below the Hurst emblem.
What he said.^^^^^^^^
Except there is no way that isn't going to look cluttered with the Dodge one.
Put it another way.
One or the other. But not both.
Hurst looks better but may not be the correct choice because the Dodge colors seem more factory to my eye.
I think as i read and am listening to all of you, i am more in agreement with no dodge emblem. I do like the hurst emblem and that is already on and I am using a hurst shifter for my automatic and period correct was a great way to describe it. Originally i scuffed up the red paint and wanted Richard to sign on the red, then i was going to clear coat over it but he signed at the wrong place but i think it looks good there. The Garlits was an added bonus as i never planned on getting his. Thought about Linda Vaughns autograph for hurst but decided against it. Appreciate all the comments so far and look forward to seeing more!
It depends on what the rest of your car and especially the interior looks like. Without seeing anything else I would either leave it alone or just use the Hurst emblem. I think the Dodge emblem is too much. But it depends on what the rest of the interior of your car looks like.
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