wheel stud removal/instal



Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
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I have a broken wheel stud in a 7 1/4 rear axle. Do i just hammer out the broken part of the stud, or will that damage the center diff. What is the best way to reinstall, pull it through with the nut and a spacer. Or am i just better off removing the axle.
I think that pulling the axle is best way. I don't think you can pull the bolt in with nut, and trying to knock out broken stud will damage bearing.
A hammer and drift should knock it right out. Use washers to draw the new stud into place.
Make sure when you put the new stud in that the splines are lined up on stud and flange or you could end up with a loose stud.
I think you should be fine with a hammer and a brass punch
You don't have to swing out of your shoes. You wont damage anything unless you eally try and miss a bunch. Just tap it out, and then use a larger nut or seris of washers to pull the new one back in.
I ruined 3 studs and 2 nuts trying to draw some in on mine. Got them most of the way in and ended up having to cut them off and buy new, but maybe I didn't know what I was doin.
on the rears-- I just place a block of wood(between the axle & backing plate) & knock out the stud---- never had a problem.. -- putting in a new stud--- add washers & impact that knurled lip in place--- works like a champ!!
The fronts are a whole different animal.
