Which cragars on my dart?

I have some of the second ones they are allright They are all 4 15x8 if I remember right they would be good for a driver no caps included if interested pm me ill let them go decently cheap.
sorry, but in my opinion, they just dont look good on a A body mopar.....but they look good on a A or G body GM if you like that NASCARP look....but you know opinions are like a$$ holes....
I agree with the posters above. Those wheels look great...if you put them on a Jeep!!! They are cheap steel wheels that 4 wheelers use to put bigger tires on their Jeeps.
Yep, total truck wheels. Neither choice is good.

If you must go steel, what about pain steelies or cop rims?
i thought they looked really good.......................on my jeep that is


Picture 023.jpg

Picture 021.jpg
I have to agree. Truck wheels. I had them on my 02 dak & loved them. & im sorry for the big pic.. Photobucket has crapped the bed.
I've gotta post a pic of my car with just black steelies ...no caps... tomorrow I will ...they look awesome...
Without offending you...neither wheel, in my humble opinion, will look good on any A-body. :roll:
If you wanna run em I'd say the first one.
But then I've got kinda oddball taste, I'm running cop wheels on My 72 Dart.
I like a car with no frills , not a lot of chrome , stripped down plain and simple
like someone just drove their nascar street stock off the track and is terrorizing the streets:supz: