which mastercylinder and brakebooster



Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2009
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iI need a new mastercylinder and brakebooster for my 66 Barracuda. It is a original powerbrake disc/drum car. The original was working fine but leaked unrepaiable(well in this time i was thinking it is unrepairable) so i bought a mp brakes setup. Was not so happy with it ,but at least dual circle now i looking for something new. Any reccommendation for me ?
On 66 Barracuda since it weighs so little do you think it needs power brakes? Many others are happy with manual disc. If want manual disc the master most rec. is 72 Charger in 7/8 bore. If mp brakes not good, do you want to replace just the master or complete setup? If 4 bolt master 72 Charger is good setup with power brakes.
Used Wilwoods with 1" master cyl. Stops great with no booster, excellent feel. Booster totally not needed.
i cant swap to manual in switzerland, changes at the brakesystem are illegal, noo matter what change, even the one i plan, stupid but true
i used a stock replacement for a 75 valiant with manual disc when i converted my 66 valiant. stops unbelievably well.
Do you still have your old booster? How many bolts to mount master cylinder does your current booster have? Rock auto is a decent choice to buy stock type parts. Or Summit for slightly less stock parts.