Which Sccop?



Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2006
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Cincinnnati, Ohio
Which hood scoop would look best on my 1974 Duster. I really like the duel snorkel scoops from that era. But they are a little pricey. The other option is a six pack scoop which are much cheaper. Both would be black. I would really like to find the snorkel one for under $200. I have seen the six pack scoops run for as low as $50. What does everyone think would look best. Thanks
Thanks. $169.00 is the cheapest I have seen. Mopars by Crane would definetly be the place to get one. Just wonder how much shipping would be. I couldn't find anything on it.
I would bet shipping would be $20.00 or so just due to the size. Not much weight but the SIZE DOES MATTER! LOL I also like the OLD B BODY scoops from back in the 60's.I have one of them but both my Darts are Swingers with the power bulge hood and I ain't modifying either of them. And the 67 Dart Gasser I am going to build is going to have fuelie stacks sticking through a hole in the hood can't use a scoop for it! What I do is even if I like something that cost a little more.I just wait and keep saving a $$ here and a $$$ there till I have enough to get what I like.It is a lot better to be happy with the look when finished! If you like the dual snorkle just hold off and keep saving those $$$ til you can get what will please you.May take a little longer but the end result is you will be PLEASED! Personally there is not a MOPAR SCOOP that I don't like! some just look better on certain cars.
I would go with the twin. they just look like they belong on those cars. for my 66 dart I went with the Mini Mopar Pro.
I was considering the dual scoops for my 74 Duster, but the shape of the 74 hood just didn't work with them. The raised center of the hood looks right with the dual snorkle scoop. I would go with it, I receive lots of compliments on mine.

Duster Scoop 2.JPG

Duster Small.jpg
The $110 scoop is definetly the best deal. I wouldn't think shipping would be more than $30. Thats probably what i'll end up doing in the next month or so. Thanks for everyones feedback. I think it would look great.
I contacted VFN about the snorkel scoop and they do not offer it anymore because their mold was worn out and was not producing a good product.
I really like the t/a scoop on the demon above, if i knew you could get one that would of been my choice. I like mine too. I paid 185.00 4 years ago from a small company but I can't remember the name it was in mopar action or muscle, I think. It was flawless when it arrived, i had no repairs to make and by the way they should start 3" from the rear or cowl. my .02 cents, walt :pirat:
the snorkel would be cool,it seems most all dusters have the same 6 pack scoop.to bad i just sold a dual snorkel 3 days ago.