Will this day end?



Gratis persona
Apr 27, 2009
Reaction score
Prattsburgh, NY
Okay. Up in the morning, got my coffee in me, logged on here to see what was going on and to FEBO to see if anything needed moderated.

Left the house to go finish moving my **** out of the shop. I moved the majority of it out last week. Get there to find out my business partner has changed the locks. With about a half dozen of my welding clamps that weren't in my toolbox and an engine stand still locked inside. Must have pissed him off that I took my toolbox out and he couldn't make money off my tools.

Check the loader to see if the key is in it so I can load a couple of engines and transmissions. Of course, not.

So, in locking me out because he's afraid I'm gonna steel from him, he turns into the thief.

I look over in the junk pile and he was nice enough to throw some of my parts in it. And burn the passenger side seat to my nephew's Cordoba, as the burnt out frame is laying on the junk pile.

His wife comes out the door and I go off about the ******* doing what he did. She immediately goes back in the house. Probably to call the thief.

I get my body cart loaded and am so pissed I forget to lock it down. It runs all the way forward and into the front glass of the cap. Mashed glass all over the place. A nice big mound of all over the driveway where the thief has to drive. Hope he gets a flat.

Jamison, my nephew, shows up with his D150 to help me get the last coupla loads out. He's about to flip ape s*** when he sees his seat.

Well, with no loader to bring the engines to the truck he tries to get the truck to the engines. No go, the two wheel drive won't go up the hill to the side shed. But it digs some nice grooves into the muddy, wet lawn.

I back my truck up the hill, push the thief's four wheeler out of the way so I can get the old cherry picker to the engines and Jamison and I load the engines into my truck, which will make 'em harder to unload into the shed once we get home.

But we get it accomplished.

But that was just the start. Get home, get things unloaded, and decide to go grab a bite to eat. Jamison, my best friend, Karli, and I load into our trucks and go to the local Asian buffet.

Come out and my truck won't start. Fine, we roll it out and Jamison gets behind me with his Dodge and we push start it.

On the way home, my F150 starts loosing power and starts rattling. I pull to the side of the road and it shuts down. Fine. Pop the hood. Lots of steam, but the radiator cap is ice cold. My lower clamp is loose. Now, mind you, the temp gauge is dead. Won't move to save it's life and I've been meaning to put in a gauge pod on the A-pillar for temp, volt, and oil pressure. Guess I need to make room in my million item list of things to do to get it coming and get the gauges installed.

Jamison runs Karli home and fills buckets. He also grabs the tow chain off the 351 since we needed the tow chain to load the engines.

While I'm standing along side the road waiting for the kid to get back I get a funky smell out of the radiator. It's a smell that's familiar, but I can't place it. Then it dawns on me: muriatic acid. Great... someone's been f***ing around with my truck and I think I have a good guess who. The neighbor next door, with all the posted signs up his place. Around here, owning a house with no yard and putting up posted signs is a good sign of a meth lab... and muriatic acid is one of the ingredients used to manufacture the s***.

We get the F150 towed home, get it cooled down, fill the radiator, after I reset the lower hose and tighten the clamp. Truck runs good, good oil pressure, thank God.

So, let's recap, shall we? I have someone I trusted steal from me. I busted the front glass out of my cap, and almost got involved in a car accident when a cop was parked in the left hand lane on the highway and the car ahead of me - in the right lane - panicked. Almost blew my damned truck up because it appears some douche bag wants to play games.

Here I sit, not wanting to touch anything in case something else goes to hell on me.
Here I sit, not wanting to touch anything in case something else goes to hell on me.

Tick, tick, tick. Two hours and 39 minutes to a new day Robert.

I would have blown a gasket about the former business partner.
Wow, that's a pretty shitty day.....hope the weekend ahead is better for you, good luck buddy
That is nothing Robert compared to what happened to you in the past.
Some one poured acid in your rad?

We have Tomorrow should be better day for you (I hope).
Hows the garden (Heart Garden)?

and I thought my day was bad. The only thing that would have made yours worse is
if you ran into your partner today, think about it.
Wow, I don't even know what to say......That's some of the craziest chit i've ever seen all in one day. You gotta relax now somehow. I doubt you'll run across something like this again anytime soon, at least I hope not :banghead:. I wish you a nice calm Saturday.....you deserve it.
That is nothing Robert compared to what happened to you in the past.
Some one poured acid in your rad?

We have Tomorrow should be better day for you (I hope).
Hows the garden (Heart Garden)?


Darryl, you are right about that,

but there comes a point, when things aren't going your way, the stress is either gonna vent or pop. One of these days, it feels like I'm gonna pop.

Now that it's over, I'm done. I'm out of Elmira, where the neighbor threw eggs at the house after Sarah passed away. I'm done with Horseheads, where my business partner started showing his true colors to me after I called it quits, and I've got enough land here now, to build a nice barrier around me to where I don't have to deal with anyone unless I chose to.

The garden is in full green, thanks for asking. All the roses that transplanted have taken to the new environment better than they ever grew in Hellmira. Same way with Sarah's grapes, her blueberries, her rhubarb, and her walking onions.

On the plus side, I was able to get her Saskatoon berries out of the ground of my former business partner's property. There are now here, where I can nurture them.
Darryl, you are right about that,

but there comes a point, when things aren't going your way, the stress is either gonna vent or pop. One of these days, it feels like I'm gonna pop.

Now that it's over, I'm done. I'm out of Elmira, where the neighbor threw eggs at the house after Sarah passed away. I'm done with Horseheads, where my business partner started showing his true colors to me after I called it quits, and I've got enough land here now, to build a nice barrier around me to where I don't have to deal with anyone unless I chose to.

The garden is in full green, thanks for asking. All the roses that transplanted have taken to the new environment better than they ever grew in Hellmira. Same way with Sarah's grapes, her blueberries, her rhubarb, and her walking onions.

On the plus side, I was able to get her Saskatoon berries out of the ground of my former business partner's property. There are now here, where I can nurture them.

Yes! the garden.
When I have a bad day ,it is the garden!
Gets me every time (calming)

1---Stop by the worst lawyer you can find and get a business card

2---Mail the card to your thief/ ex partner and tell him to call the lawyer "you are gonna need him."
There is a bright side to all this. If a radiator flush was on your to do list, the neighbor took care of it for you.

Me and dad have been trying to find a source for muriatic acid to flush radiators with for a long time. He tells me its the best chit he ever used to flush with.