won"t stay running



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2008
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I have a 71 dart with a 225/6 with a holley 1920. it starts fine but dies when it warms up, if I am not giving it gas. I don't know alot about these old mopars but I am trying to learn. I tried to adjust the idle and it helped a little but not enough and I am out of ideas. it has a new fuel pump and filter. If anyone has any ideas let me know I am stuck.
I have a 71 dart with a 225/6 with a holley 1920. it starts fine but dies when it warms up, if I am not giving it gas. I don't know alot about these old mopars but I am trying to learn. I tried to adjust the idle and it helped a little but not enough and I am out of ideas. it has a new fuel pump and filter. If anyone has any ideas let me know I am stuck.
my first guess would be a vacuum leak .. check all the hoses, make sure the carb is tight, intake manifold, etc ..
check for leaks with some carb cleaner (spray it around all the mounting gasket surfaces while the engine is running and listen for an idle change)
if that all checks out than the idle circuit in the carb is probably plugged.
damn, i overlooked the most obvious,:angry7:... check your points, if they arent opening that would keep it from idling also..
i had the same problem with the same engine and all, in the end it was water that was in the carb cause it was old and wasnt maintained by the person i got it from so i needed to have it rebuilt. mine wouldn't wait till she warmed up though, if you weren't giving her constant gas then she would run for a few seconds and then die like a camel with no water in its hump on a dry day.
IF you end up swapping carbs DONT BUY PARTS STORE REMANS. They will most likely be JUNK find someone to rebuild YOUR carb.
Check your Valve adjustment.
thanks I will let you know what happens. I am going to check for leaks and the points. I have a friend that said he could come over and check it out for me. I am hoping he can make it over today but we will see. thanks again.
I rebuilt the carb and she runs great now. It is a single barrel holley so it was easy. yippie
The carter I had on my duster was the same way so I just tossed it and went with a 4 barrel holley.