Would these parts honk your horn?



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2020
Reaction score
Tacoma WA
I tried a couple different searches and came up nada. Crickets again digging through the Mopar Tech Service Manual. Can anyone tell me what parts here are correct? I get the basics of how its supposed to work, but these screws don't seam right for the job.

Gotta make the horn work so I don't get a repetitive use injury in my finger! :icon_fU:

I can tell you a 67 and later model has 3 special shoulder screws there.
Early A's also use special shouldered screws to retain the horn contact. Can get a picture after work if no else chimes in with a pic.
Proof again, that just because it's there on this 56 year old car, doesn't mean it's supposed to be there.

Reminds me of rewiring my knob and tube, 100+ year old house. My research showed that knob and tube was safe for the lower amp loads it was designed for. What's dangerous about it is people have been modifying it with lamp cord and duct tape for 100 years.
Those are not the stock screws and I don't see any of the plastic insulators that are needed to keep the horn from honking all the time.
That's EXACTLY what I needed to know. Thanks!
And proof again my search skills are dismal... :BangHead:
that assembly is a little different from my 67. 67 has the shoulder as part of the screw instead of added on plastic isolator/shoulder. Fewer small parts. I dont know what year they changed or are they interchangeable. Good luck with it.
that assembly is a little different from my 67. 67 has the shoulder as part of the screw instead of added on plastic isolator/shoulder. Fewer small parts. I dont know what year they changed or are they interchangeable. Good luck with it.
Thanks! I wouldn't have a snowball's chance in Death Valley without this forum. :poke: