yamaha big wheel 200



Well-Known Member
May 9, 2007
Reaction score
Black Hills, South Dakota
hey, picking up a new toy on sunday. Its a 85 yamaha big wheel 200. They definitly look cool and different than a normal bike thanks to the big tires. anyone here ever had one? i guess for a 200 4 stroke they make the 250 pound machine move right along. this ones supposed was supposedly kept up on matinence like it should. cosmeticly they tried to repaint the gas tank white and something went wrong so were gona repaint that and need to get a new rear fender for it. front tire is like new but might have to replace the rear one soon. heres some pics, its acually looks better in person than it does in the pics, just mostly dirt that needs to be cleaned up



Doubt the paint will stick to the tank as the fuel permeates the plastic and nothing will usually stick to it again. They used to make covers for them. Take it easy when you first take it out as you will notice the thing will track weird as the tires don't know what way to go. They wander real bad. But fun.
Doubt the paint will stick to the tank as the fuel permeates the plastic and nothing will usually stick to it again. They used to make covers for them. Take it easy when you first take it out as you will notice the thing will track weird as the tires don't know what way to go. They wander real bad. But fun.

yeah that was one question i had, the tanks were just colered plastic from the factory right? not painted from the factory, correct? the tires definitly different. its got a 5 speed with grandma sprockets, i guess it will not go very fast but it will be used mostly for offroad anyway
yeah that was one question i had, the tanks were just colered plastic from the factory right? not painted from the factory, correct?

Yup colored from the factory. No paint. Maybe a factory sticker but they only last so long before they bubble off.