You gotta see this... Instagram video



Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2012
Reaction score
Northwest Oregon
I have no idea how to post the video itself, but if you have an Instagram account, check out this mornings post by "moderndayhotrods". For those that don't have an IG, hopefully someone will post up the video here.

It's a whole new concept ( to me) for a car lift - as opposed to the traditional two post / four post, etc. The one thing I would change is to add a shock / dampener...

Check it out and gimme your thoughts!
Pretty cool, but still only gets the car 3 or 4 feet off the ground. Looks like you'd be walking round on your knees under the car to work on anything. But it could be useful. On the other had it takes up a huge chunk of floor space when not it use.
I would want there to be a leg that folds out to prevent the stand from rocking back with a car on it as a safety measure. but its really cool