you know what sucks? a big puddle of gas under your car.



Well-Known Member
May 22, 2004
Reaction score
Dallas, GA
i came out of school yesterday afternoon, my girlfriend and my friend michael were standing by my car waiting, i was supposed to give them a ride like, 1/4 mile down the road to my girlfriends house. NOOO, i see a PHAT *** puddle of gas on the ground, looked like about a quart of fluid. at first i didnt know what it was, until i got around to the side of my car to open the door (to get to the hood release) and i smelled nothing but gas. so i get the hood open, look for a second, i figured out pretty quick it was from the fuel pump. where the metal line stubbed off, there was a piece of rubber fuel line that went to the pump, which had dry rotted and swelled up from being so damn old, it sprung a leak. ok, so i go ask the auto teacher for a hand, i need some fuel hose, uh oh, the clamps arent reusable... then i had to find a ride down the road to the auto parts store... oh wait, everybody i know is gone now. well, lets just say this much, i was pissed. so im walking back toward my car, and i see my good friend josh's mom coming to pick up josh's little brother jody, i ask her for a ride, she agrees no problem. get back, laying all up under my car in the HOT Georgia sun, with all the cross country people running by looking at me, fixing this damn thing, then i finally get to leave, and i have to go straight to work. i wanted to take a nap before work, but no, had to fix the fire hazard first :).

well, to say the least, im glad it didnt spring a leak when i was driving it... that would have been bad. and now i have plans in the works to replace all the rubber **** with braided line from the tank to the carb, and i think ill add an electric pump while im at it.
i know, long winded, play by play. but i had to tell you guys the whole story for some reason...

see you later, have to go to work, again....
ps... there is somebody that goes to my school that drives an early 70s model duster.... still trying to figure out who it is...
Old cars , we all love them, but they are constant work till you get them done. THEN you get to start all over again :D.
dont feel bad. Right after I finished the build on my 340 I head to the gas station to fill here up. I pump $20 in the tank and look down and it pouting out on the ground and I mean pouring. It seems that when I replaced the fuel pick up with a 3/8 unit I forgot to cap of the extra vent tube. 20 buck worth of gas out on the ground the fire department standing around and pissed store manager what a day.
Ahhh the beauty of 30 some odd effects on rubber. Well it could have been worse in that both of you could have been under power at the time and.....well you can complete the rest. You are both lucky. I'd much sooner have a bunch of unhappy/laughing people standing around than the alternatives.
Get used to it Rabius,driving these old cars things like that happen. :(
Just be glad some moron didn't throw a cigarette under your car!
im kicking my *** into high gear on my car now.
i got the valve cover gaskets to replace, damn leaks...
i got a buddy gonna give me like, 10 feet of braided gas line, gotta buy the fittings, that should be fun. put brakes on the front, gotta replace the calipers, and change the oil, on thursday (payday). my dad and i are going to start the body work sometime soon. fixing the leak in the wipers tomorrow. going to start with the interior work too, sanding the rust off the floor pans (patches) going to take the dash apart and look it over. bought a can of chrysler blue high temp paint to repaint the valve covers and brake calipers (for fun ;) )

i lowered the front end about an inch, now the *** and the nose are level, the front is a touch lower, but it looks good, and handles much better too. still havent decided on a color yet... *hint hint*

and i think im gonna get some magnum heads from the junkyard down the street, ill be VERY picky when selecting them, find me a nice dakota or something with a destroyed *** end so i know it wasnt the motor that put it there.