Help in Phoenix (Parts Procurement)

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FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
May 20, 2010
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Nevermind, I got it.

Hey PHX crew,

I found a part I've been after for a long time from a guy that near 51 and Indian School Road just north of downtown. I would like to find someone to pick it up and hold it until I can get out there. I am going to PayPal the guy and I can PayPal you for your time and storage of the part.

I can't make it to PHX for a month or better as I am in San Diego and wildfire season is upon us. We have drills coming up and I cannot take a day off. My weekends are already booked with a Mopar swap meet this weekend and going to Norcal next weekend, a wildland drill the next.

If anyone is coming to the Ontario, CA Mopars in May swap met this sunday maybe you could pick it up and bring it out? I have a swap space. I would definitely make it worth your effort$.

Phoenicians, Please PM me if you can help. Thanks for the consideration.
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Is it a rear end or a spark plug??? Or is it a secret?? Some things are easier to pick up and store than other things??/
It's a radiator core support. I know it's a fairly large part but I would expect to hash out the pick-up/storage arrangement through PM's.

I'm looking for people in the Phoenix area. Thanks anyway, Tex. You can go back to trolling the 'Recent Posts' and 'New Posts' and put your 2 cents in on another one.
It's a radiator core support. I know it's a fairly large part but I would expect to hash out the pick-up/storage arrangement through PM's.

I'm looking for people in the Phoenix area. Thanks anyway, Tex. You can go back to trolling the 'Recent Posts' and 'New Posts' and put your 2 cents in on another one.
My intent was to let the potential parts storage person know if he/she had to wrangle a rear end or a bumper. A core support isn't too bad at all. Now that it's out there you might get more offers to help. NOW ..........BACK TO MY TROLLING!!!:drama:
Called a Troll for asking a perfectly legit question?
Good luck getting someone to help you.
Called a Troll for asking a perfectly legit question?
Good luck getting someone to help you.

He's in Texas and replying to to thread looking for people in Phoenix. That's trolling my friend.
There is a lot of that on this site. There are a few guys on here that love to respond to threads just to be snarky. You know who you are!
I am all for handling the details of this deal in a PM. If someone can't help then they don't have to PM or respond to this thread.
No, not trolling, he asked a legit question of your post. You need to include pertinent information, not just "need".
Yeah, go-fish is what was deemed as a "smart ***" in another post.

Yes, I can be a smart ***. I will never claim to be a know-it-all. I joined this site in 2010 and have just a few hundred posts. I read a lot and the majority of my posts I'm asking a question. Sometimes I provide input on things I know about and have experience with. I try not to be snarky and only make a snarky post when somebody is trolling or being rude first.
Some of you have been posting 6.5 times a day for 10 years. You most know everything if you post that much nd spend that much time logged in to FABO. I salute you.
It is clear that I'm looking for someone in Phoenix. He's in TX. I don't need anyone in Texas to help me. He just saw an opportunity to post and drive his post count up on a thread that doesn't concern him in the least.
If I had known that FABO rules don't allow asking questions outside of your own state I wouldn't have asked how large or bulky your "item" was??? I could care less about my post count, I was trying to let ALL FABO members know what it was that they would have to pick up. A transmission might be too much for an older dude. Knowing what you might have to haul increases the chances of "you" getting help. Trolls don't try to help!! I promise to NOT take credit now that everyone knows that it's just a core support!
If I had known that FABO rules don't allow asking questions outside of your own state I wouldn't have asked how large or bulky your "item" was??? I could care less about my post count, I was trying to let ALL FABO members know what it was that they would have to pick up. A transmission might be too much for an older dude. Knowing what you might have to haul increases the chances of "you" getting help. Trolls don't try to help!! I promise to NOT take credit now that everyone knows that it's just a core support!

If you think you may be able to help me PM me. We can discuss and let me know if you can or can't. I appreciate the thought. I just figured since you are in Texas and replying to a thread asking for help in Phoenix you were one of those, and you know their here, who just has to chime in to every damn post and get snarky. It's usually the same actors.
I apologize to you if you were sincerely trying to help but I have to respectfully ask that next time just let people who MAY be able to help just PM me for the details.

Wow, thinking the same thing, wasn't clear, thought it might be helpful to know upfront what you are looking to have picked up. Glad I didn't comment. Seamed quite legitimate, maybe in a sarcastic way but a legitimate comment.

Glad I didn't comment. Seamed quite legitimate, maybe in a sarcastic way but a legitimate comment.

Okay, my bad for not saying that its a radiator core support in the first place but it's exactly the sarcasm and continual snarkiness from a bunch of people on here. There are a few who everytime you click a new thread they are acting like they run this place but in reality they just post a lot. I get it, a lot of you guys are retired and spend ALL day on here clicking on the Recent or New Posts and just can't resist the urge to jump in to every thread. In this case the title specifically said I was looking for someone in Phoenix and a Texas Brushpopper chimes in. For what? To let the whole ******* USA know that this guy looking for Phoenician's help that he didn't specify what part needs to be picked up? Even if I wan't clear in the beginning I did ask for a PM and could explain further.
I'd much rather be a Texas Brushpopper than a Drag Queen from California!!! Thought we had settled this???
I'd much rather be a Texas Brushpopper than a Drag Queen from California!!! Thought we had settled this???

Nice one. You're acting like a child. Typical of a lot of these individuals I'm talking about on here.

BTW, Texas Brushpopper is what John Wayne called the Texas Ranger in True Grit. I'm an Okie and they were in Indian Territory in that movie.

I got one for you since you just can't seem to stay out of this thread and have resorted to jokes. ..... I moved away when I joined the military in 2002. I couldn't stand the wind so I don't ever think I'll move back. It's so windy there because Kansas blows and Texas sucks!

Sorry Kansans, you were an innocent bystander in that joke.
There are people that would go out of there way and then some to help another member. If this was within a couple hour drive I probably would have, I have driven further for less. If I needed a part that was within a day round trip I wouldn't even think twice, overnight, probably as well, after that I might be looking at other options including a different source for the part.

Good luck, see you at the show.

There are people that would go out of there way and then some to help another member.

Good luck, see you at the show.


Thank you. Look forward to seeing you as well. I just made arrangements with the guy to hold it. This **** has me thinking twice about ever posting and looking for help on here again. Can't post a single thing without someone getting sarcastic and being a Karen.
I might just take off work tomorrow and go get it. I'm a firefighter so it really could put the engine module in a bind being one man down but this bull puckey has me so frustrated I just don't even want to rely on anyone for help. I know I could give it more time and see if anyone volunteers their help but this way I'll just get it done and over with.
Thank you. Look forward to seeing you as well. I just made arrangements with the guy to hold it. This **** has me thinking twice about ever posting and looking for help on here again. Can't post a single thing without someone getting sarcastic and being a Karen.
I might just take off work tomorrow and go get it. I'm a firefighter so it really could put the engine module in a bind being one man down but this bull puckey has me so frustrated I just don't even want to rely on anyone for help. I know I could give it more time and see if anyone volunteers their help but this way I'll just get it done and over with.
If you still need any help with this part or another one I'd be happy to help you. I can hold parts for you until you can come over to AZ. and get them. I'm in the Phoenix metro area. Not a problem.
:Brushpopper is what John Wayne called the Texas Ranger in True Grit. I'm an Okie and they were in Indian Territory in that movie...

Damn, an Okie that moved to California.
No wonder he has a chip on his shoulder.
It is clear that I'm looking for someone in Phoenix. He's in TX. I don't need anyone in Texas to help me. He just saw an opportunity to post and drive his post count up on a thread that doesn't concern him in the least.
Listen. If you want help on this board you need to back the hell down off your high horse. Many members FROM OTHER LOCATIONS might know members in the area you seek, or have lived there or dealt with businesses there. you are not making friends with your attitude, OR your altitude.
Be humble and always treat others with respect - they may be the ones that help you when you least expect it.
For sure. But in just about every topic posted on this site there are people like 273 that just have to say something snide , rude, or nit picky. Some of the members spend a majority of their day on here, evident by their post counts of like 5 a day over 10 years, and they seem to be the rudest. I started this out as a request for some assistance from a specific location and I get a guy from 100 miles from there nitpicking my words in the first post. **** is out of hand here with the top posters acting like this is a school yard and they are the mean girls club. I’ll treat you with respect but I won’t rollover for anyone if their being a dick. That’s just me. Been through too much bullshit in life to let the “mean girls club” on here take pot shots.
BTW, this was an old thread. I handled it. Been done with it but members like 273 can’t resist posting in every GD thread.
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