Seperator plates, Transgo vs stock



Squid inc
FABO Gold Member
Jun 9, 2016
Reaction score
Winock WA
I was comparing some seperator plates today, and got to wondering why the replacement ones from Transgo have one hole (picture) that's much smaller than the stock ones I have on hand. I was hoping somebody could clarify A) which circuit this hole is part of, and B) why they decided to reduce it's diameter so drastically. Factory is .300" (A500, 46RH and 46RE ones I have), their early VB w/o boost tube plate is .108", and their later VB w/ boost tube plate is .040"
Thanks, Karlin.

So I managed to trace out the circuit this morning, and it's a restrictor between the 1-2 shift control valve and the accumulator. First one of these I had came with an O/D HD2 kit, but I've bought a few more since, to replace checkball damaged stock ones. I guess I need to call Transgo and get some info on the how's and why's, especially as the shift kit's references to the plates are kinda confusing.
I know this is basic, but the plate "reprograms" the hydraulics for firmer shifts and less slip. How it does that I have no idea, but I see other differences in the plates. Transgo has been around for a loooong time and is well respected. I installed my first Trans Go kit around 1982...
Also there has been many updates thru the years so some transfer plates may only do 1 or 2 years then the factory would change things up so a modification is necessary. Kim
Hmm, got going on other things and kinda forgot about this post. Talked to Transgo, the restriction in the 1-2 shift control circuit is part of (at least) the TFOD2 design. If you use their provided seperator plate, you don't need to install the restrictor plug in the case at the accumulator. Found my instructions from several years back, it's spelled out in there. If it's used to replace a damaged or worn plate in a stock VB, they suggest drilling the hole out to original factory diameter.
