Building a boat



HP@idle > hondaHP@redline
Oct 12, 2012
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I know, I ain't finished any of the other ones I started yet

But my parents were visiting and we stopped by hobby lobby and picked up this little PT-109

The main reason I picked it up was because I build one back when I was younger and I thought it be fun to see what I can so with it now

This model is marketed as being the same boat JFK commanded and lost back in the Solomon islands, but I have. O intentions on building it that way

In fact, I'm not even sure what color I want to paint it yet

From what I hear, they came painted Grey from Elco (awesome company name by the way) and were repainted in the field a mixture of black and yellow that was called 'forest green'

Not sure which color I would like better or even easier to detail

Why don't you make it PT-73????
well, the real reason is, i never seen McHale's navy (i had to google what the significance of PT-73 was)

but a better reason is, from what i found when i googled it, the PT-73 used in the show was a 72 foot type II vosper, while the real PT-73 was a 78 foot Higgings...neither one is the exact same as the 80ft Elco model i am building
Ran into a little issue

It appears this kit was offered as a battery powered boat at some point and there are 2 holes in the deck which must pertain to that

Iether way, I had to find a way to fix it (wish I had noticed it before I put the deck on the hull, but im happy with it)

On the side I found the perfect lil cover...see I'd you recognize it?

On the front, I put a piece of spruce in my drill and used it as a lathe with my hobby knife
I think it looks a little like a cleat or a windlass, it sure looks like it belong on there, don't it?




Thought these fresh air vents needed a little attention as well





Made this one a few years ago. 4 ft. length . Took about a month and half at 6-8 hours a day.
Powered by 3- 18000 rpm no load electric motors. Picture in water is running on only 2 of the motors.


Made this one a few years ago. 4 ft. length . Took about a month and half at 6-8 hours a day.
Powered by 3- 18000 rpm no load electric motors. Picture in water is running on only 2 of the motors.

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View attachment 1716100098
that is pretty cool

the one im building is maybe 16 inches?
way less detailed, but im hoping to do a nice weathering job on it, so we will see how it comes out

im really on the fence what color to paint it, here are two examples, what do you guys think ?



I think the grey is better. Looks more like Navy.
i may have to go with green...thats the color the wife thought looked best
and to be honest, i kinda feel like grey is german, green is good guys

but i really like Yunicks suggestion
When I saw the title, I was hoping you bought a C body! PT boats are cool, too. Have an uncle that was on one in ‘Nam.
Got her just about ready for primer
(This will be an interesting primer, the bottom will be Grey rattlecanned, the top will be airbrushed white primer)

The only parts not glued on are the guns, life preservers and raft
Got the bottom primed, and a make shift paint stand made for the top

I'm planning on doing one of those fancy 2 tone primer jobs on the top, base primer in white, shadows in black primer and then hopefully that will give some depth to the topcoat and make the detailing easier

.not displeased with the color, but I had a terrible time getting it to flow through the airbrush

I got to figure out if i want to just brush the hull, or what

