Cataract Surgery



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2006
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Brandon, MS
Scheduled for cataract surgery on my right eye tomorrow, and left eye next week. So, who all has had this, and how have you done?
Scheduled for cataract surgery on my right eye tomorrow, and left eye next week. So, who all has had this, and how have you done?
had it done a couple of yrs ago , left eye first , all good but not as perfect as the right , 20/20 tho...
get some sun glasses !!
Had both eyes done several years ago. Prep took about 20/30 minutes, the actual surgery took about a minute. In my case, my vision improved immediately. Wore glasses all my life, so he put in a corrective lens, and now 20/20 no glasses. I'm an old baby boomers, so I need reading glasses, but my distant vision is great. Nothing to it, good luck.
I'll at some point need it done .. eye doc says maybe 4-5 more years nut, he said that 4-5 years ago too
My wife had her cataracts done about 20 years ago when she was in her 40s.
The only problem was a little clouding at the edges and they fixed it with laser. She hasn’t had a problem since.

I’ll need it done in the future. My doctor said as long as my sight can be corrected with corrective lenses I won’t need it.
Give you all a tip most people need both eyes done and if by chance they tell you that you only need one eye done it is most likely due to eye injury.
I've had both mine done. Right eye first then the left one about 2 years later. I chose to have them both done for distance so I don't need glasses to drive, instead of one eye for close and the other one far away. Right eye went from 20/50 around 1 pm the day of the surgery, to 20/20 at 8 am the next day at follow up. Left eye went from 20/50 to 20/15 in the same time frame. I'm 66 and can read without glasses if I have to, but I don't like to not wear them to read. However, without glasses....I can read the license plate on a gnats *** @ 300 yards! :) Good luck with the surgery, and you'll be so glad you did it!

I lost my right eye when I was five due to retina detachment. Long story short and thanks to doctors from Dallas to Boston, not only was my right eye saved, but I have 20/20 vision with no line trifocal glasses and a lens implant. Two retina surgeries decades ago, one cataract surgery 15 years ago, glaucoma laser procedures several times. Five drops a day. Not to mention macular degeneration. If it weren't for my eye(s), I would have never spent a single night in a hospital. So far as the cataract surgery, it was a breeze, and you will see better immediately. I don't drive much at night due to the implant causing multiple halo's around every car and street lamp.
I lost my right eye when I was five due to retina detachment. Long story short and thanks to doctors from Dallas to Boston, not only was my right eye saved, but I have 20/20 vision with no line trifocal glasses and a lens implant. Two retina surgeries decades ago, one cataract surgery 15 years ago, glaucoma laser procedures several times. Five drops a day. Not to mention macular degeneration. If it weren't for my eye(s), I would have never spent a single night in a hospital. So far as the cataract surgery, it was a breeze, and you will see better immediately. I don't drive much at night due to the implant causing multiple halo's around every car and street lamp.
Wow, sounds like you've had your share of eye issues. Glad you can see though!!
@dustertogo How'd it go? Did they tape the Dixie Cup lookin thing to your face to keep your fixed eye in the clear until follow up?

When Dr. Mac fixed my last one, he remembered I was a car guy. He told me his last patient before me was a Chinese dude. He said he walked in and said, "Hello Mr. Ling. Are you ready to get rid of this cataract? He said Mr. Ling looked up at him and said, " No,no! I no sell Cadarc......I serring Rincoln Continental!"

Do both eyes.
Had mine done either last year or the year before.

Follow the instructions to a T. The surgery was really not a big deal and my vision is awesome compared to how it was.

I still need to have reading glasses to see up close like the computer or cell phone but my far away is great.
My sister had it done this past year. She'll be 62 in May. She said it's the best thing she ever did. She was very sensitive to light changes coming in from a bright sunny day into the house and she said that took it all away. She also said it helped greatly with her night vision.
The wife had both eyes done last year and she still has to wear glasses and also now has dry eye and bright light and heat bother both of her eyes.
The wife had both eyes done last year and she still has to wear glasses and also now has dry eye and bright light and heat bother both of her eyes.
Might want to do some footwork on that condition. I never stand on one foot when it comes to these situations.
I had it done about 15 years ago. My doctor had me wear an eye patch for 24 hours. I had immediate results. When the patch came off, things were immediately crystal clear. My wife (for some UNKNOWN reason) decided to use a different doctor. Nothing at all against him at all, but her vision was a bit blurry at first, and it took over a week for things to clear up in each eye. I hope you get the instant relief I got.
FYI Most insurances will pay for a new pair of glasses if they are required because of your surgery. Check it out.
@dustertogo How'd it go? Did they tape the Dixie Cup lookin thing to your face to keep your fixed eye in the clear until follow up?

When Dr. Mac fixed my last one, he remembered I was a car guy. He told me his last patient before me was a Chinese dude. He said he walked in and said, "Hello Mr. Ling. Are you ready to get rid of this cataract? He said Mr. Ling looked up at him and said, " No,no! I no sell Cadarc......I serring Rincoln Continental!"

@dustertogo How'd it go? Did they tape the Dixie Cup lookin thing to your face to keep your fixed eye in the clear until follow up?

When Dr. Mac fixed my last one, he remembered I was a car guy. He told me his last patient before me was a Chinese dude. He said he walked in and said, "Hello Mr. Ling. Are you ready to get rid of this cataract? He said Mr. Ling looked up at him and said, " No,no! I no sell Cadarc......I serring Rincoln Continental!"

HaHa! that's funny right there! As for my surgery, it's been postponed until the 23rd. Hopefully I'll have some good results to report then. Thanks for asking!
If a weatherman has cataracts, do all of his forecasts call for partly cloudy???
Did you all say cataracts or Cadillacs???

I'm having trouble seeing...
I had cataracts starting a few years ago. I also wore glasses thanks to a blood disorder that was affecting my eyes and making me go blind. Got that under control and I hated the glasses when out in the cold winters around here. And I love being outside. I had both lenses replaced and have never looked back. 20/20 vision with trifocal lenses and no glasses or cataracts.
