MP4 video editor recommendations ?



Just the facts, ma'am
FABO Gold Member
Feb 7, 2013
Reaction score
Phila. Pa
Yesterday I tried out an old Gopro HD Hero (2010-2011).
All of the runs recorded fine, although a little shaky due to the experiemntal mounting.

I'm looking for suggestions for a video editor that can do the following:
1. Clip and save just the run, or even portions of the run.
2. Side by side comparison or the runs or portions of the runs.
3. Possibly saves in a more compact or reduced resolution to make it easier to share direct or maybe even upload to a serice or my webhost.

Operating system:
Windows 7 Professional.
Windows XP (if it works with XP, great. Not a requirement.
XP came with Windows Movie Maker (2002) but it can't read MP4 files.

Program requirement:
Must be stand alone capable.
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2. Side by side comparison or the runs or portions of the runs.
Like this but with video.

That way can I can compare what I did through specific portions of the course.

Run 3 -------------------------------------------------------Run 5

NCH works great. don't know if it will still work with XP. if the current version doesn't, i might have the older one that does. i can send it to you
NCH works great. don't know if it will still work with XP. if the current version doesn't, i might have the older one that does. i can send it to you
Which version are you using and recommend I try to start?
They have a 'Free', a 'trial', and then a 'home' edition but no info on the capabilities (other than what I can glean from their forum).
Do you think it best just to buy a registered version?
think i tried the trial version first. don't remember for sure, think that was limited in how large of file i could import. worked well enough for me to decide i liked it. i had tried a few other "free" ones first and liked this the best for the $$. i normally don't mind spending other peoples $$ but other than win7 how built is you comp? i started it on win10 with an i3 core and 16 gig ram and once the length got over ~15 min it would bog down pretty good. i changed to an i5 core and no issues now
Can try the Windows Movie Maker program that comes on Windows XP Professional (does not come on windows 7).

Have used it to make picture videos and upload them to youtube. Also can edit some videos by working the clips on the time line. Can save to different formats too.

Think I have had to use "Any Video Converter" program (downloaded from
online) to change the videos so they will play.

Been a while, works pretty good, don't think it will do the side by side clips though.



Something to look into.
how built is you comp?
It has a 3.5 G hz Xeon E3-1240 processor, 16 GB ram. I recall trying to buy two more cards but they were not available at the time. (2018)
There is a NVIDIA Quadro K620 2 GB graphics card.

At this point I would be dealing with short lengths of time (assuming I don't goof and leave the camara running).

Not sure how I'll share with other autocrossers. Maybe youtube, maybe something more direct.
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Went back and re-read your first post. Looks like you need the AVC Any Video Converter so you can read and work with the mp4 files.

To use on XP

[Official] Free Download DVD & Video Converter, Video Enhancer AI, YouTube Downloader, Video Editor, Video Recorder for Windows and Mac

Scroll down quite a ways to the freeware section, as they want to sell you other products first.

View attachment 1715764464

Thanks George.
I need to put some time aside to get my computers into better order.
I was thinking the XP might be the answer since I was using an older gopro, but sounds like I'd be better off doing editing on the much newer Win7 desktop. Somewhat OT but forward looking I know I need to get a Linux OS up and running to try out. I have a Win10 upgraded laptop from a job and hate it. Sadly, XP is still my favorite interface. But for internet and cloud stuff, which is sometimes really useful, I need to be prepared to replace the Win7...
While we're talking editors, for viewing videos and listening to music files on the Win7 machine I'm using Cyberlink Power DVD12 instead of Windows Media Player. I can't remember exactly why - maybe the new version required internet or sharing of information. But I'm not thrilled with the Cyberlink interface, although its not bad.
well i must have deleted the older version of video pad. if you want to send me a couple videos of your runs i'll run them through and make a side by side to see if you like the end product
well i must have deleted the older version of video pad. if you want to send me a couple videos of your runs i'll run them through and make a side by side to see if you like the end product
Thanks. I'll give it try. I need to learn this. I'll do a backup and buy the program later today.
But that does lead to my other question, what is the best way to share. Zip and e-mail, FTP to a server? I suspect youtube is easy? when quality/size isn't critical.
depends on what you already have. example, if you have a google email address you also have access to Google Drive, so you can upload files and set permissions on individual folders for whatever you want and send people links. works well. check with your internet co, they might have something
depends on what you already have. example, if you have a google email address you also have access to Google Drive, so you can upload files and set permissions on individual folders for whatever you want and send people links. works well. check with your internet co, they might have something
OK. Beginning of the learning curve. Started experimenting with it last night.
Was able to reduce the file size greatly by trimming, and put that onto g**gledrive.
Tried saving as mpg to compress it more but didn't make it substantially any less smaller.
I'll keep poking at it.
what kind of file is it starting out as? might not have a lot of air left to squeeze out of it. also how high of quality was the saved file?
Gopro HD creates them as MP4. I've been setting it for 1920 x 1080 pixels.
if you are outputting as MP4 too, the only ways to reduce the size is to lower the quality and editing out content
if you are outputting as MP4 too, the only ways to reduce the size is to lower the quality and editing out content
Is there a better format to output on?
Better in the sense of more appropriate for internet.
Should I take it down to 1280 wide?
The original MP4 snipped to show start to passing the clock, 130 MB
Converted the same snip to mpeg, using same size frame and frames per second, 30 MB.
so i just tried converting almost 5min (212MB, 360P) of video into "youtube" format. never done that before, i don't have a youtube account. that automatically makes the output 720P, so it tried to upscale it, great.
if i select 720P as an output, leave it at MPG4, and it still estimates the file at 155MB. still sucks. if i drop it to "widescreen TV" it estimated 99MB, ended up at 77+ MB. didn't notice any loss ion quality. it didn't get jaggy or anything. i'll try something highdef next.


so i messed with trying to lower the file size a bit. it's hard to get a file that's 2-3 min down to ~30MB, but i didn't try all the outputs available either. how low of recording quality on the camera can you go and still get the info you need?
so i messed with trying to lower the file size a bit. it's hard to get a file that's 2-3 min down to ~30MB, but i didn't try all the outputs available either. how low of recording quality on the camera can you go and still get the info you need?
I don't know. Still experimenting.
I just had good success reducing hte file size 132 to 16 MB by exporting for 'portable devices' and selecting H265 codex. Correction. For the selection for H265. I picked the text next to file format box. Thats where I found the option.

H265 didn't work on my current media viewer (maybe its not so current) but did work well when uploaded to g**gledrive.

I'm going to to embed it here.

Seems to work for me. Full screen still looks good to me.
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i hit the link and it want's me to log in. think you need to make the permissions public or have it generate a hot link with permissions to access
test file.png

test file2.png

test file3.png
Lets try this again.
Not sure if the above link was a made public or only the new one.
Lets try both.

I signed out and both look to be working.