Wagon Leaf Springs


Professor Fate

Push the button, Max...
Jan 13, 2020
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I'm looking at replacing the tired leaf springs on my '66 Dart wagon, but I'm a little undecided on the best route to take.
I'm leaning towards the XHD springs (ESPO), but I'm not sure if I should go with the +1s or not. I'd like a slight bit of rake, but nothing drastic (not the '70s look on this one!) and with the extra rear weight of a longroof I'm not sure if it'll settle more than I'd like over time... thus thinking the +1s or so. I've used SS springs on other builds, but I think that would be total overkill in this instance.
It's just a cruiser/roadtripper, but being a wagon it will be used like one with light loads in back. Decent handling, but not too rough either. For the record, I've got 340 bars in the front, with a factory sway.
What do you wagon guys out there think? What have you been happy with?
For what its worth, I used 55 year old 5 leaf springs from a 66 Dart wagon on my 65 barracuda. No noticeable lift, but definitely a firm ride, even at 28psi in the rear tires.