She is 2 today....



Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2011
Reaction score
Manchester, MD
And thinks she owns the couch. We adopted her out of the local SPCA when she was 9 months old.

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Happy Birthday to a very pretty girl!
And stay off of 'her' couch!

We have 3 big dogs and they are all couch and bed hogs.
Thats the funny thing with Freya. We can't trust her not to eat a throw pillow or couch cushion, so she sleeps in our room at night. Can't trust her to sleep in one of the kid's rooms. Too much chewing temptation with their stuff - teenagers..... Anyway, she only gets on our bed in the morning after the wife and I are up and the bed is made. Then she'll jump up and just sprawl out across the middle and wait for us to go downstairs.
Hate all the fur on everything. The rule in this house is no animals in the house, lucky I let the boys in the house.