He's lookin for a "Business Partner"......LOL!



FABO Vendor
FABO Vendor
Apr 25, 2005
Reaction score
Lakewood, WA
Swear to God.....ya just can't make this stuff up!!!!!


MR. SPANK ( business opportunity ) - wanted - by owner - sale - craigslist


MR.SPANK, Inventor William Wilson designed and built a unit to hopefully put some kind of control on today's crime especially youth crime. If we do not do anything about it it's going to get badly out of control, then there will be no controlling it at all. Most people take a blind eye to it, until someone they love gets killed by a drive by shooting or has a gun stuck in their face saying give me your keys and your money! I call it, Hometown law the old-fashioned way! (discipline) jail and finds just isn't working I believe that all juvenile detention centers should have 1 and county jails as well, if they sign a release that the state is free from getting sued, in return the criminal gets out of jail and fine free, they just need to get a few SWATS!
sounds easy huh, I'll guarantee you they don't want to come back! very painful the object of MR. SPANK is to
it's a very well-built unit it adjust to fit all, the paddle is adjustable as well from a soft spank to a hard 1, I need a 5 minute video on this unit, I cannot do that I need a partner I'm offering 25% of this unit or more, that's negotiable. I am not looking for any money from anybody just someone that has good computer skills so we can get a video made website, and we both can help with marketing. age and sex does not matter to me though I guess I'd prefer a female they seem to be a little better at this kind of stuff, I would like to get it on the news media, so it can be demonstrated! that way people can comment on it. hopefully a (partner) might be able to do this. All I know is If we do not do nothing about this we're all going to be sorry! and wished we did, we don't have any alternatives! be part of making history. thank you William