Strut rod bushings difference


Mopar Momzee

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2019
Reaction score
I ordered the PST rebuild kit with rubber bushing for a 1968 valiant on the right is what PST sent out on the left is what’s stock. Why the difference in the shape?
The ones on the right are the correct ( stock ) ones. The one the left is it a two piece? If not it is just a smashed up old one. They will start looking like the one on the left as soon as you tighten them up.
The original has been installed and used. Once you install the PST bushings they will take on the same shape eventually! 65'
The factory installed the one piece strut rod bushings by pressing the bushing into the K-member from the front, with the tapered end going toward the rear. Once installed, I can't see what difference it would make, but, I always push mine in from the front, tapered end in first like they show in the factory manual.
I have done it both ways personal preference I guess. I have always found that when putting on the last washer and nut it seemed easier when I put in the bushing in from the back and the taper side stuck out the front.