What do you guys think of hands-free driving in the newer cars?



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2005
Reaction score
Topeka, KS
I just saw a commercial for a Chevy truck that advertised hands-free driving and hands-free towing. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t like it. I don’t like the idea of some guy coming towards me on a 2 Lane highway driving 60 miles
No thanks, I will be perfectly happy to be the one in control of whatever I have to drive, whether it's a motorcycle, a semi, or a bus. The idea of having a computer and some cameras making the decisions is not for me.
My stepson was very excited about it and all he talked about for years was getting a Tesla. Now he has it and never misses an opportunity to use it.
I don’t friggin think so.
Old school American made 8 cylinder gas for me till the end.
What are you going to do besides driving the car? Clap your hands? Do you think a computer can react in time? Want to bet your life on it? Are you kidding me?
Just another way to make people more lazy. It's kinda like having people do your shopping for you and either bring it to your car or your house. I can see home delivery for the older folks and the disabled, other than that there's no excuse.
EVERY SINGLE system in cars fail at some point. That's all I'm sayin.
If that scares you consider this driving down the road with no one in the drivers seat...


BTW in case you want my opinion...Hell No!!!!
I'm sorry, but I don't see it like auto pilot on an airplane.
No... I don't want HAL driving my car for me. No thank you.

HAL 9000.jpg

HAL Tesla.jpg
Personal opinion here....not an attack on any specific person......
I find it pathetic. It is surrendering your guts and abilities to react as YOU want.
I know the type that will embrace it...The weak, the type that put their trust in others rather than themselves.
There may be some strong and independent types that may embrace it but it feels too much like letting go and letting someone else take care of you.
Real men aren't made that way.
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My son does it when I'm in his Tesla, it makes me nervous as hell. I tell him when it F's up I better die cause if I don't, I'm gonna kick his scrawny little ***.:steering:
It all drives me crazy, I am the driver. My dad bought Cadillacs after he remarried. Big expensive POS, couldn't afford to keep them running after about 100,000 miles. Auto apply brakes, can't open the door when you are backing into a parking space, call for help. Bought a 2023 Hemi Durango because we have an old Airstream and wanted a V8 to tow it. Had to get the + package which includes a hole in the roof, that I'll never use. Turned almost all that extra garbage off and it still really bugs me. We rented a car that would power steer you back ino the lane. Couldn't wait to turn that junk back in. Then there are the cars that turn themselves off if you are stopped for 5 seconds. Arrrgh, I hate it all.
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I’m truly amazed that these auto companies are pushing this. You know somebody is going to do something stupid (like the Tesla driver who was sleeping) and cause a major accident. Then watch the lawsuits fly.
Its suitable for California!!! It should be mandated for that state only! They are the more intelligent and forward thinking people ya know! :poke: :BangHead: :thumbsup:
I just saw a commercial for a Chevy truck that advertised hands-free driving and hands-free towing. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I don’t like it. I don’t like the idea of some guy coming towards me on a 2 Lane highway driving 60 miles

A bad idea promoting laziness and aiding in more unskilled drivers that will pass the buck onto the vehicle for what is ultimately there responsibility in safe and accurate driving.
I wonder if it would park in the Fire lanes!
Would you still need Handycap Plates ?
You know you can have alot of fun messing with the cars that have all the safety perks, auto braking, steering, the stupid blinking mirrors for blink spots ect.Just saying.
Personal opinion here....not an attack on any specific person......
I find it pathetic. It is surrendering your guts and abilities to react as YOU want.
I know the type that will embrace it...The weak, the type that put their trust in others rather than themselves.
There may be some strong and independent types that may embrace it but it feels too much like letting go and letting someone else take care of you.
Real men aren't made that way.
Yep, training a bunch of low-T incompetent weenies, looking for something to solve all of Their problems, & handle Their responsibilities for Them while debating on Fecesbook whether They should cut off Their genitalia while crossing through an intersection at 45mph......wonder which, if either, car or 'driver' will see the truck coming that clearly is about to run the red light & kill/paralyze Them...
EVERY SINGLE system in cars fail at some point. That's all I'm sayin.
Right, and a coding error may not show up until a specific situation occurs, then every single person with that model/system will all experience an accident in that situation...every single one..then what??? Once realized every car is 'grounded' until a whole new re-flash with the fix is written?
No F'n thanks,...