Stop in for a cup of coffee

Did I mention today was leg day? I always do legs on Friday so I am crippled over the weekend. I am spending the afternoon on the porch under my quilt watching the storm, slowly giving way to the rumble of thunder and rhythmic rain as I drift off to sleep. I love sleeping outdoors and the rain caresses my soul.

Did I mention today was leg day? I always do legs on Friday so I am crippled over the weekend. I am spending the afternoon on the porch under my quilt watching the storm, slowly giving way to the rumble of thunder and rhythmic rain as I drift off to sleep. I love sleeping outdoors and the rain caresses my soul.

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Where's my heart emoji like on Facebook! Here you go John. Enjoy!
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Look at that creosote burn, had something like that somewhere up here, crabbing processing or something, whole place went up and getting it rebuilt was going to be hard to do with new environmental regulations, wonder how that got started?
They still hunt for the cause. Biggest part of structure is vacant restaurant. A small part of it is a small fish n chips joint that was closed at the time of ignition. That pier almost 3/8 mile long :eek: and first constructed in the 1870s.
Thanks for the intel. With titanium knees I have to be smart on impact. My resting BPM is just under 60 or dead nuts on sixty on any given day. Today was my first day monitoring BPM in cardio workout. I stayed right at 110 which I felt was low but really did not know? I am trying to be smart and not be my normal must be extreme self. When I get frustrated lifting and decide F it I am doing more weight I simply strip the bar and walk away. If I stay I will succumb to my ego, then sure as the world I will be purchasing another shoulder. Ego or vanity not sure which it is, but it is darn sure dangerous!

Find a good. Smart watch and app to track and build a profile. I'm a data geek but it helps me track performance.

I fall into the unnecessary/unneeded fitness level and overtrain profile... you get that
Nice 64 Dart on Marketplace. Pretty spendy but it's done nice and you couldn't build one for much less.

64 dart on Markettplace.jpg
Cab on its back after scraping off the undercoating inside the back wall. Roof took maybe 5 minutes. So set up and do a couple small panels and then seam seal. Three tubes should do it. Thought i took a photo, aparrently not.
Cab on its back after scraping off the undercoating inside the back wall. Roof took maybe 5 minutes. So set up and do a couple small panels and then seam seal. Three tubes should do it. Thought i took a photo, aparrently not.
Vampire truck!!! Pics don't work?!
Soo... i can spend 6 months and hundreds of hours grinding/cutting/welding on a car and not hurt myself.. but build 1 server and i look like i fingered a GF on her period..... ******* stamped stainless parts are razors waiting in ambush to destroy me
:rofl: :rofl:
Nice 64 Dart on Marketplace. Pretty spendy but it's done nice and you couldn't build one for much less.

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Hubba hubba

That's an @Icetech arse right there.... Fat bottom girls

Waaaaayyyy outside my price range though

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Love it!!:thumbsup: