Recent content by Murray

  1. Murray

    Big Block A body K frame

    Yes, no spool mount. I think they had extra reinforcement at steering box mount.
  2. Murray

    Rallye Instrument Panel

    Is the cluster grounded?
  3. Murray

    Engine ground strap 69 Dart

  4. Murray

    Squeeling poverty hub caps??

    Put duct tape on the rim and see if it continues.
  5. Murray

    Spark Plug

    Engine is not broken in yet. 150 miles is not enough time to start tweeting spark plugs. For 150 miles the plug looks fine.
  6. Murray

    Why Is It?

    Common sense died in 1961.
  7. Murray

    Diff gear recommendations

    I run the 3.55 sure grip. With the 14" tires I feel it is the better compromise between quicker acceleration and freeway speeds (3000RPM at 65mph).
  8. Murray

    Reshaping History with Digital Sheet Forming

    Incredible! Think of the possibilities.
  9. Murray

    disc/drum diagnosis help needed

    Why are your pads wearing unevenly? The pistons have limited travel. New pads will correct this by pushing the pistons back in the bores.
  10. Murray

    Side lights

    In 1968 it was lights only. The front bulb is captured within the housing whereas the rear light bulb and socket are part of the wire loom. We can thank the federal government for these.
  11. Murray

    Z-Bar question regarding hole under clutch rod post

    There is a retaining clip (a weird shaped wire clip) that locates the plastic bushing. Look at exploded view of linkage and z-bar bushings.
  12. Murray

    727 rear sprag

    Are "springs" full length or compressed? If even slightly compressed, they should be replaced.
  13. Murray

    overheat only over 3000 rpm
