Local People seem to be more friendly when im on vacation.


Kern Dog

Build your car to handle.
FABO Gold Member
May 23, 2010
Reaction score
Granite Bay CA
I’m honest enough to admit that I don’t know everything so help me out here.
It seems that whenever I go to another town for a visit or vacation, the locals seem to be friendly.
I am Not the world traveler that many of you are, I’ve never been out of the country.
I’ve been to Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and of a few other states.
It always seems that waiters, clerks, others just walking around seem to be really nice.
In 2004 I was in Ohio for the Columbus Mopar show and I was amazed at how friendly everyone was. That set me on a sort of casual social experiment and so far, every place I’ve visited has had nice people.
Is it because I am happy to be on vacation and somehow projecting my mood onto others or am is my state just populated with more grouches than other states?
I’m not saying that everyone here is rude or introverted but they aren’t as willing to smile and talk here as compared to Michigan, Connecticut or even Utah.

says it all....

I grew up in socal till I was 45.

We moved to northern Colorado and our arms got tires from waving at total strangers.

In So Cal you pass people on the street as if the were not there, because if you acknowledged them they might be one of the crazies who would turn on you for looking at them.

We got out coming up on 18 years ago

Best thing we ever did.

Unfortunately Colorado has drunk the cool aid and is CA lite!
Yes they can tell you are on vacation. A person on vacation doesn't have 12 things on their mind so it's not all over the face.

Starting on my first trip to California in 1983 I've noticed, people are different in California. And most of the time they are not as friendly or easy going as in other western states. But the last few years it is spreading, especially in large cities.
They know and they're watching............
I have been to the foreign countries of Boston, Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, and Louisville. The people there seem to be similar to the ones in the California big cities and suburbs as far as being more reserved and not openly friendly at first. I have found that they can be friendly if I initiate the friendly exchange.
I have found that most of our California beach towns are very openly friendly to strangers. The people of the California Central Valley have been friendly to me even when they find out that I’m a California native (68 years).
My experience has found that people who don’t live in or near big cities tend to be more outgoing and friendly than the big city dwellers.

On the other had, I walked into a small restaurant in a small town outside of Louisville, Kentucky and everyone of the 14 people in there stopped talking and stared at me. The waitress came over to me and asked me what I wanted. I told her that I would like to get some breakfast. She looked me up and down, gave me a smile, and seated me. Everyone went back to talking.

About 11 years later a similar thing occurred in the very small town of Wever, Iowa.
I've traveled all over the U.S. and Canada and rarely encountered any people who were openly hostile. At least face to face, road rage on the other hand is a whole 'nuther issue. I've also encountered the same thing as described by DFX 340 where I walk into a restaurant and every single person turns to look. Then again being 6 ft 7 in tall I don't exactly blend in with the crowd in most places.
I've always found that if I can be approachable with a smile it makes it easier.
Oh …. I thought you were saying your local townfolk are friendlier when you are away on vacation ?
The larger the population of a town, the worse people are. They’re just tired of bumping into each other and are piled up with crap on the mind. This puts a cloud in the brain and over there head.

I would bet if you walked around late mornings until late afternoons, in and around your town like a tourist, you’ll find happier people.