MN Four Seasons: Fall, Winter, Spring, Canadian Wildfire Smoke



FABO Gold Member
FABO Gold Member
Jul 17, 2023
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Somewhere north of Minne-a-no-place
4:00 PM this afternoon/evening: Sunny, blue skies, and 80 degrees. Damn near a perfect summer-like day.

6:00 PM: Smoky, smelly, and an Air Quality Alert until noon tomorrow, at least.

That **** moved-in here fast.

I feel for the folks up in NE British Columbia, I really do, and I sincerely hope everyone is safe, and that they get the fire(s) under control.

But as someone with several severe asthma sufferers in the family, I was hoping we could get a little more time before this happens once again.

Stay safe everyone.
Woke up to the "smoke warning", great, summer arrived Friday, and the smoke early today. I too have asthma, the last couple of years have been pretty bad around here for smoke, and from what I understand, the majority of the fires are caused by human activity, ie: arson. Yup, the climate warriors are allegedly starting wildfires so they can blame it on "climate change". Makes perfect sense........
I just hope our Canadian brothers and sisters are faring well in the area of the fires.