Being a Moderator.....

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Rumble and Ink, you guys are doing a fine job moderating and that goes for Demonseed too.

My only issue is the rampant use of the F word on this forum lately, especially in the General Discussions section. I've been here a long, long time and it seems that this is tolerated way more than it used to be. I know that there are younger kids who check out this forum with their parents and I don't want to see it every Sunday morning either.

I cuss like a sailor in my own garage and home but never around kids or in public (unless I'm at the bar, lol!).

Yeah, you're dead right....and a lot of it is me. I will work on that.
Rumble and Ink, you guys are doing a fine job moderating and that goes for Demonseed too.

My only issue is the rampant use of the F word on this forum lately, especially in the General Discussions section. I've been here a long, long time and it seems that this is tolerated way more than it used to be. I know that there are younger kids who check out this forum with their parents and I don't want to see it every Sunday morning either.

I cuss like a sailor in my own garage and home but never around kids or in public (unless I'm at the bar, lol!).
I,ve noticed this also as of late,sure is changing the direction of things.This is a family oriented site and I don,t swear in front of my family.It,s getting old and IMO shouldn,t be tolerated.JMO
I would like to thank everyone for there comments. The reason I started this thread was just to seek other opinions of how mods are "supposed" to conduct themselves. When I get pm's like the few that I have received it sort of makes you just want to head hunt these folks, which I know is wrong but it is, in my opinion, human nature. I try to do my best to look at things like we are all human. But I realize that we are all human and every now & then we all get a bit hot headed and short tempered. But some folks seem to think that Moderators are above that. I do have a favor to ask of EVERYONE, if at any time ANYONE sees me being a hardass to someone to call me on it. I do have some mental health issues and the combination of them will often more or less flip a switch inside of my noggin and make just sort of lose touch with the real world. By calling me on it does not mean that I am necessarily going to agree with you, but it might make me look at things in a different light....
this is a clean site. as ive said before, i have yet to run across an F bomb that didnt last for more than an hour and the only disturbing image has been that nasty bacon cheeseburger meatloaf image lol . if a mod is asked to edit or delete a questionable post, they are more than happy to oblige, and do so quickly. the mods have spoken, you see something you find offensive, 9 times out of 10 , they will remove it, and most of the time they will find it anyways. i just dont see what the problem is with people that have to go crying to the mods everytime they see the word H word or D word, those words are used in PG13 movies and on TV. kids hear and see more BS at school and with their friends than they will ever hear and see here. Anyway ,keep up the good work guys, great site. (EDIT) there was an F bomb dropped in this thread but it hasnt been a hour LMAO
The reason I started this thread was just to seek other opinions of how mods are "supposed" to conduct themselves.

I feel that the Mod's on here should conduct themselves as who they are/and how they would like others to act. There is one in particular that can be a bit harsh with some of the comments, which I disagree with, but that is who he is.

He made a comment in one thread that lead to some others chiming in with the same negative rhetoric, this IS NOT leading by example.

I guess in short like any other walk of life, "lead by example".

I knew when you posted this that the issues you have made known to us was the culprit for the way you feel. IMO you do fine and not to worry.
Isnt joey the big shot here? Its been 12 hrs. And no response from him. You would think he would click in and say sumthing?
First and foremost I want to thank ink for his time to keep this great site moving foward.
Thank you Ink, and I think all our staff members are great at what they do, I agree with ramcharger, there was a time when I never seen the F bomb dropped and if it was it got deleted. It's a new day folks and thank you all for doing a great job here.
Hay Ink!!! I will if I ever see my friend getting heated and know you don't mind me sending a pm to help you over a bad time, yet to see one myself, but just to let you know, And a big congratulations and thank you from your Arkansas friend on the hill
I would like to thank everyone for there comments. The reason I started this thread was just to seek other opinions of how mods are "supposed" to conduct themselves. When I get pm's like the few that I have received it sort of makes you just want to head hunt these folks, which I know is wrong but it is, in my opinion, human nature. I try to do my best to look at things like we are all human. But I realize that we are all human and every now & then we all get a bit hot headed and short tempered. But some folks seem to think that Moderators are above that. I do have a favor to ask of EVERYONE, if at any time ANYONE sees me being a hardass to someone to call me on it. I do have some mental health issues and the combination of them will often more or less flip a switch inside of my noggin and make just sort of lose touch with the real world. By calling me on it does not mean that I am necessarily going to agree with you, but it might make me look at things in a different light....
First I would like to say I DO NOT ENVY any mod on any site.Ppl drag you into their problems and all the time spent making sure everyone is obeying the rules which takes your time away from enjoying the site,it's a tough job that most couldn't manage to do for a month let-alone years.From all the sites I've been to 2 things seems important for a mod to posses (1)thick skinned-try not to let the idiots get to you.(2)short memory-once its done move on and forget about it.This isn't directed at you ink just an observation in general.All the mods here are mopar fans so its like they are regular members to me and everyone gets ticked off once in a while,no harm no foul.
Oh and the whole f-bomb thing.We as members should work on that to keep the mods from having to do that as well.Maybe a word sensor program that autodeletes or auto hides?
First and foremost I want to thank ink for his time to keep this great site moving foward.
Thank you Ink, and I think all our staff members are great at what they do, I agree with ramcharger, there was a time when I never seen the F bomb dropped and if it was it got deleted. It's a new day folks and thank you all for doing a great job here.
Hay Ink!!! I will if I ever see my friend getting heated and know you don't mind me sending a pm to help you over a bad time, yet to see one myself, but just to let you know, And a big congratulations and thank you from your Arkansas friend on the hill
Mike I am serious, if anyone every sees me lashing out please let me know.

First I would like to say I DO NOT ENVY any mod on any site.Ppl drag you into their problems and all the time spent making sure everyone is obeying the rules which takes your time away from enjoying the site,it's a tough job that most couldn't manage to do for a month let-alone years.From all the sites I've been to 2 things seems important for a mod to posses (1)thick skinned-try not to let the idiots get to you.(2)short memory-once its done move on and forget about it.This isn't directed at you ink just an observation in general.All the mods here are mopar fans so its like they are regular members to me and everyone gets ticked off once in a while,no harm no foul.
I have the short memory thing covered for the most part.....
I'm in agreement with many of the above. Keep the cursing out. I do it, I know it, I don't have to use it to get a point across. There are younguns whom some of us fathers like to show pictures and stuff just to generate an interest. I know we are all different in how we deal with each other, and crap happens. Perfect example is the thread in the F,M,J or whatever forum. A bunch of crap. Hey, I'm not always happy either, but all in all, am. And as far as the mods expressing their opinions - go for it. If you say something you dont think is appropriate, you can always delete it lol.. :) Thanks for doing the job.

how does resigning take the bullseye off your back ? If You post what You think is right..why the thin skin ?
Hey I got to clean up the F Bomb twice on this thread, excellent. Don't worry Ink cuss I still love ya, ya big lug.:goodman::fart::thumrigh:
how does resigning take the bullseye off your back ? If You post what You think is right..why the thin skin ?
No bullseye nor thin skin.....just sought out the opinion of others. I have recieved a few pms that said I as a moderator should set some sort of an example, not pour fuel on fires etc. Point was that if as a Moderator I am unable to "speak my mind" I would resign, why else would one be here but to learn things....and comment on others threads??
Doug I think you do just fine,as well as the rest of the mods ,but I have a question about saying the f word, or other curse words and we have post from the blue room show up in the new posts section. Not saying get rid of the blue room,but may be make so you have to go to that section. Heck just keep doing what you are doing and all will be well!!!!!

first of all this is sounding a bit like a Im taking my ball and going home boo hoo thread , I see no reason for Ink , Rumble or any of the other mods to change their ways now , if we didn`t want /need opinionated self indulgent sobs to watch over us Joey would never have elevated them to the positions they now hold(just kidding eh ). keep up the good work guys ,the f bombing has been over the top lately and tho I try not to use it I probably inspire others to do so and should ease up a little myself

PS Demon could you slow down on the thread locking till I can have a turn at hacking on ,Peeing and moaning at the OP please .
Just keep plugging away Doug! Your doing a fine job as a mod. In fact I'd say most mod's here are pretty damn good!

Every winter the cabin fever takes over this websight. You get people popping into threads making accusation's,threat's etc for no good reason other than thier bored. I don't really suffer from cabin fever in the winter,don't have a musclecar on the road to miss driving yet. But ther's other neat machinery to keep me occupied,like snowblower's and snowshovels,plus a 4wd truck that NEVER get's stuck!

That's what those folk's need,another hobby to keep them from becoming too bored during the winter.
Cannucky Quote::::pS Demon could you slow down on the thread locking till I can have a turn at hacking on ,Peeing and moaning at the OP please .

Sorry Cannucky, if you're referring to the "Goodbye" thread I wasn't the one who locked it.:p
Cannucky Quote::::pS Demon could you slow down on the thread locking till I can have a turn at hacking on ,Peeing and moaning at the OP please .

Sorry Cannucky, if you're referring to the "I'm leaving" thread I wasn't the one who locked it.:p
Dart Doctors Goodbye thread was the latest and I guess I misinterpreted your comment there as I see Ink posted after you , having a Day job means I miss al ot of the 9-5 griping and seem to come across stuff after it`s locked , tho since we`re on the topic and I have already posted you could lock this thread eh lol
PS perhaps locked threads could be eliminated from the home page so we`re not teased by the titles ?
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