Walmart beware!!!!



Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2012
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Spruce Pine NC
Wanted to share this info due to a problem I had at a WALMART
In June of this year me and my stepson and two of his friends
Went in to a local Walmart, was in there about 15 min had to pick
A couple things up. Came back out and had a buggy against the passenger
Side of truck, 2012 Ram 1500 so think god for camera phones I took pics
A 6-8" scratch and dent on fender and door plus damage to emblems
So I proceeded back into the store and reported it, had to return for them to take pics and pull cameras to file a claim with there insurance. Ok three weeks later I get a letter from Claims Management Co. THEY ARE DENYING MY CLAIM
FOR DAMAGES TO MY TRUCK my reaction was WTF:finga:, I called them wasn't too nice when the guy cussed at me. Walmart is protected from being liable for damages in there parking lot through a commercial policy. :protest::wack:Because they maintain buggy retrieval in a timely manner, BS! The man at the claims co
Said that it was dark and wind was blowing and raining in the video, when it happend at 5:30 in the eve, DON'T TAKE YOUR MOPAR TO WALMART:wack:
I contacted a layer to look in to it with a estimate of damages totaling 1200.00
That I have to file on my insurance:banghead::protest::protest::protest:
There are signs in every parking lot here [Florida] that state "your parking at your own risk we are not responsible for damage, theft, vandalism" so the next time you park anywhere look around for the signs you'll be surprised you never saw them before!!!
even with my old 1999 dodge truck...I park aways from everything ...and especially where they store the shopping carts...
That was my first complaint to the insurance guy when I went down for the store manager to take pictures I asked him to show me the signs where they wasn't response able for personal property in there parking lot and there was no signs :cheers: I was on there property there property did the damages my case in point. If your parked at my house and a tree limb falls on someone's car do I tell them there SOL cause I'm not liable Wrong, Walmart don't see it that way,
So I have no use for WALMART and refuse to shop there :protest:
Where I was parked was away from every one close to back of parking lot always do
Even with my little Ranger I park a ways out. It does have its share of scratches but I don't want anymore and I don't want any dings. Even though I park out in no man's land, some SOB always parks next to my truck almost every time, even though there are tons of spaces all around and it's obvious I parked there for a reason. Pisses me of to no end. Unfortunately, it is the way of the world nowadays not to accept responsibility. Be glad you are blessed enough to afford an insurance policy that's good enough to cover it on your own. A lot of people cannot.
Even with my little Ranger I park a ways out. It does have its share of scratches but I don't want anymore and I don't want any dings. Even though I park out in no man's land, some SOB always parks next to my truck almost every time, even though there are tons of spaces all around and it's obvious I parked there for a reason. Pisses me of to no end. Unfortunately, it is the way of the world nowadays not to accept responsibility. Be glad you are blessed enough to afford an insurance policy that's good enough to cover it on your own. A lot of people cannot.

I am blessed. I get upset because its besides the point
It still cost me 250.00 lol
You just can't have anything nice anymore
Signs or no signs I don't see how you have figured "responsibility" here.
I am blessed. I get upset because its besides the point
It still cost me 250.00 lol
You just can't have anything nice anymore

I understand totally. I am blessed too but it would have cost me $1000. You are right though. People are not going to let you have anything.
The fault is in the louse that did put their cart away after using it, not Wal-Mart, unless you can prove that a Wal-Mart employee pushed the cart into your truck. What I hate is that your insurance company, or any for that matter, will deem that a collision and not vandalism.

Always park uphill from everything, always move any loose carts away from your car when parking, and always put up your cart when done with it.

and you are not liable for tree limbs falling on someone else’s property unless you were on notice that the tree was diseased.
There property damaged my truck on there property cut and dry, my tree falls on your car in my driveway who is responceable, not trying to be smart

Neither one of these situations is necessarily as you have assumed.

It has NEVER been a "given" that a loose shopping cart is the store's responsibility.
In North Carolina there are signs everywhere in grocery store lots stating the stores aren't responsible for damage from carts.
So you and I are shopping at Walmart. While you are inside I push my shopping cart into your truck, hop in my rig and drive away.

How is that Walmart's falt?

I worked grocery for 10 years when I was younger. Carts hit cars all the time, the only time the store is responsible is if a store employee causes the damage.

Sorry to say but you got nothing here.
Since they are not responsible for damages to cars done by carts, the recipricol is true.... :rock:

I am not responsible for damages done to the carts by my car.... So when in my beater, if I see a cart in my way, I bash it.... :cheers:

I like your style, krazycuda.

How I manage this problem, being that I also worked at a grocery store and know of this issue;

I park far away from Wal-Mart.

Like, really far.

Like, so far, that I'm not in their parking lot anymore.

Then, since they've created such a massive, unsafe parking lot, it renders itself as an inconvenience to me.

So I end up patronizing a store that has human values tied to it's business ethics.

I could care less about anything wal-mart has. I used to shop there for oil, since it was the smallest dollar I could give OPEC. It killed my cam.

The End.
no matter who done it ...its sad to think that people are walking around like such entitled zombies and don't think there is anything wrong with damaging or dis-respecting someone else's property.

If someone rolled that cart intentionally to damage that truck to be mean, that is just a sad day for human kind.......Sad

don't people respect fellow humans anymore........I have actually walked through the parking lot before and moved a cart or two to the rail keeper thingys they have before it rolls into a car .....just decency least I thought it was a decent thing to do.

I have been lucky ....I take my dart to Wal-Mart because its my only car and I usually park way out in the lot because I like to walk and as far as I know, nobody has ever done anything to my ride.

sorry to hear about the damage to the truck ....and hopefully whoever did it if it was done by someone to be mean will get paid back good.

is it at all possible that it was just an accident, slight hill, or wind ....either way the truck is still damaged but if was an accident at least that would be better than someone doing it to be mean spirited.
Since they are not responsible for damages to cars done by carts, the recipricol is true.... :rock:

I am not responsible for damages done to the carts by my car.... So when in my beater, if I see a cart in my way, I bash it.... :cheers:

I saw a bunch of that too. I can also tell you what happens when you toss a cart in the cardboard compactor. lol
Wind, Rain, doing damage with a projectile should be covered by full coverage ins.. The bank or owner demands this coverage, but they teach adjusters to save money.. Look closely at your ins. policy I think. Sorry to hear this, I know how I would feel :banghead:
No one is going to turn in a claim for $250 to there own insurance company. even if you had a zero deductable collision coverage.

And carts don't damage cars people do. :)
One of the problems, as I see it, is that Walmart has grown too big to have good customer service.

For every customer they loose they still have thousands to take his or her place.
Might as well add Albertsons, Krogers, Target, and a few dozen other stores to the list, because they are all the same. I had a wind-blown cart travel half way across an Albertson's lot and zero in on the door of my month old Chrysler convertible.

Another retail store lot was the place where a cart bent the headlight ring of my '64 Valiant convertible, and you know the price of those things!

If you are going to drive your valuable car on public roads and park in lots with public access, you are at risk and you will pay unless you carry special coverage for that risk. Expecting a retail merchant to pay for damages caused by lazy, uncaring shoppers is counter-productive and only adds to the cost of their product, so you pay anyway. Better to just keep a baseball bat in your car so you can knee-cap the inconsiderate SOB who is too lazy to walk ten feet to put their cart in a rack.