ex girlfreind .....



Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2014
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Ok ... if i owe you parts from my 63 drop top never fear. ... some of you know i had a bad ex thingy here .... played hell with my passwords and all that ... this included my bank acc. She wiped me out and iv been trying to get things fixed ... I get direct deposet from my retirement to my bank and should have it all fixed by the first of DEC. and have my money back. ... soon as it happens I will get your stuff shipped. ... Again your stuff is here in boxes ... its i just ain't had the funds to ship them till i get the bank thing fixed .... JUst a word to the wise ... DON'T LET HER KNOW YOUR PASSWORDS OR KEEP AUTO FILL ON YOUR WEB SITES .... it may bite ya in the *** .... tnx ... and again it will get out as soon as i can ... :banghead:
That sucks! Just finished a divorce with a short-term (2 years) wife who did her best to screw with me as much as possible on her way out. Just got another new "surprise" bill yesterday, in fact.

Best wishes!
And remember...


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Sorry to hear!

Actually going to court today with my ex-girlfriend to hopefully get back my 27' travel trailer I bought last year for 7 grand. I had it parked on her level shaded lot her property, had the cops come over and tell me I couldn't go on her property to get it. . It has since been taken away and I have no idea where it is.
I'm all nervous to go state my case to the judge but, will do what I have to do to hopefully get it back.
Also as you mentioned, she got on my aol e-mails and also on FABO I believe and very much upset a few members on here, who aren't really happy with me now!!! GRRRRR

Hope you get it all back and life goes back to normal!!!!!
A wife is a tempoary thing, an ex-wife lasts forever!

I disagree, wholeheartedly, with this statement. A wife , or a husband is not a temporary thing. If you go into the marriage with that mindset, she will, indeed, be temporary.

It usually take two people to screw up a marriage. My wife and I have been married for 38 years, and we dated for 2 years before that. 40 years we've been together. I'm not claiming it was easy, without issues, or any such nonsense, but it is what you and your spouse make of it. I firmly believe that my wife and I are closer, now, than we've ever been in our relationship.

It's not "temporary", you (collectively) make it temporary.
some relations are meant to work ( for decades upon decades), some are " worked" out along the way on a rather continuous basis, some people stay together " for the kids", some people are not meant to have a companion, and sometimes "all" involved" just need to say, " this was a mistake" and go their ways!???
"nothinbutdarts" : my advice is " even though judges are lawyers, ( enough said), they will stand my the LAW, and they tend to recognize those that lie and are trying to manipulate the court or system. just be honest, take a deep breath and calmly answer his questions.......
hacksaw: hey man! I thought I was the ONLY guy to ever get divorced " at over 60"!???? LOL
I disagree, wholeheartedly, with this statement. A wife , or a husband is not a temporary thing. If you go into the marriage with that mindset, she will, indeed, be temporary.

It usually take two people to screw up a marriage. My wife and I have been married for 38 years, and we dated for 2 years before that. 40 years we've been together. I'm not claiming it was easy, without issues, or any such nonsense, but it is what you and your spouse make of it. I firmly believe that my wife and I are closer, now, than we've ever been in our relationship.

It's not "temporary", you (collectively) make it temporary.
it does indeed often take the work of both to eff up a marriage. I had my hands in the marriage wrecking cookie jar. I find it very interesting that some folks will never admit to they were at fault. What I find even more interesting is that some folks will do everything in their power to try and convince themselves and others they are saints
I disagree, wholeheartedly, with this statement. A wife , or a husband is not a temporary thing. If you go into the marriage with that mindset, she will, indeed, be temporary.

It usually take two people to screw up a marriage. My wife and I have been married for 38 years, and we dated for 2 years before that. 40 years we've been together. I'm not claiming it was easy, without issues, or any such nonsense, but it is what you and your spouse make of it. I firmly believe that my wife and I are closer, now, than we've ever been in our relationship.

It's not "temporary", you (collectively) make it temporary.

Maybe your just a lucky one.

Hope you never have to hold the stick by the shitty end,
you might possibly come away with a different point of view.
this thread started cause "hacksaw" needed to give headsup to some guys on here waiting to receive some parts. that's the thing to do for sure.
this gives lots of space to chim in!! maybe some comments on here can be helpful to others, otherwise no real good reason for any comments ....
I personally wish I would have found " miss right" decades ago. some of us don't,... and I believe there 's nothing we can do if she "isn't"....
I disagree, wholeheartedly, with this statement. A wife , or a husband is not a temporary thing. If you go into the marriage with that mindset, she will, indeed, be temporary.

It usually take two people to screw up a marriage. My wife and I have been married for 38 years, and we dated for 2 years before that. 40 years we've been together. I'm not claiming it was easy, without issues, or any such nonsense, but it is what you and your spouse make of it. I firmly believe that my wife and I are closer, now, than we've ever been in our relationship.

It's not "temporary", you (collectively) make it temporary.

I cannot agree more. Kitty and I are fixin to celebrate our 20th on the 5th of December. Although like you say, it's not been without issues, but we are as much in love now as we've ever been.
Been married over 21 yrs.., and yes I agree marriage is meant to be a life time commitment. But to say it takes two to end a marriage or both sides have their hands in the divorce is wrong. I know too many people that had divorce over just one of them deciding to "try the other café", or "pick from the other isle". It is not always both having equal share in fault when divorce goes to court.
life is funny, I've found after bout 66 years. funny, how some people decide anyone that's divorced is a " failure in life"?????
funny: is how " what's mine is mine, and what yousr is mine too." now ya don't have to be together more than a couple years ( or months), and doesn't matter who had what before they met!??????
funny how when you first meet, they "share" your interests and passions in life??? then ya find out they DON"T!???( after ya tie the knot)????
funny how they are never wrong, but you are most of the time ( or all the time?)
funny how "they" are concerned over their overall looks, health, fitness" but after the wedding or few years later, that concern goes away???
funny can go for both the male or species of this "funny" stuff, way I see it... you fill in for the word "they" as you want....
this funny list could go on ALL afternoon!
... funny, how some people decide anyone that's divorced is a failure in life"?????

I didn't see anything at all, about divorced people being a "failure in life".

318willrun said:
to say it takes two to end a marriage or both sides have their hands in the divorce is wrong.

That's not what I said. Here's my quote... "It usually take two people to screw up a marriage".

In that sentence, the word "usually" is a qualifier. It means that in most cases both parties are at fault to some extent, but it does not eliminate the possibility of one party being the problem.
I don't mind your taking issue with what I said, but I have to take exception when you take issue with what you thought I said.

longarm said:
Maybe your just a lucky one.

Hope you never have to hold the stick by the shitty end,
you might possibly come away with a different point of view.

We make our own luck. I did go through a divorce after a two year marriage to my first wife. I've been there, so I'm not just talking through my hat. That divorce was quite literally due to both of us. Both were at fault, and both were victims. In most cases, that's what happens in a divorce. It has nothing to do with "luck".
It's been said that we reap what we sow. I've found that to be exceptionally true.
Back before wife number 4.... Dad and I were having a conversation and he asked if it bothered me that I had three failed marriages. I replied in my normal fashion, " Of coursenot dad. You have to look at these things in the proper perspective. I have three successful divorces!" ;)
Good luck with your second marriage Frankie.
I hope the luck you make this time round
lasts you a lifetime .
sorry to hear of a woman being so un-fair. I don't believe all women are like that but some give the rest of woman-kind a bad name.
I gotta go with Frankie on this, course i waited a long time and interviewed a lot of girls for the job of Mrs Jaimus before I met my Pam,...and believe you me,....there are a ton of em that are just plain batshit crazy,... I decided a long time ago that I was only doin it once, period.

Yes there are times that I wanna light her on fire, but I ain't no walk inna park either,...But we truly do work on it, and will continue to take all the good with the bad and vice versa,...cain't imagine doin it any more without her,...

To Hacksaw and my twice divorced best friend Len, I offer this advise,...Shoulda pushed her down the stairs when ya had the chance...
I've had long and short term relationships.

Two of them, to be exact. One long, which should have been short and my current relationship, which I only wish I had for the duration of the first.

I don't believe in marriage, because I don't need it and Amy couldn't agree more.

I don't understand legal marriage. two people having the same legal entity doesn't make sense to me, because two people make their own choices in life.

People who are married should be agreeable, in a common sense, but people get married for all kinds of reasons, even at drive-thru chapels, so the sanctity is long gone on a public level and a relationship surviving really has nothing to do with marriage.

Marriage needs a good relationship, in order to work. The same cannot be said about a good relationship, because what makes a good relationship is not marriage, alone.