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Most Athiests don't get offended because others believe in a God.
More often religious people get offended because we don't. :)

It's hard to stand behind a belief that was the cause of more wars and deaths than any other factor in history.

well I know I am going to offend atheists here but ....Geronimo.

People throw around this term "karma" and I would go out on a limb and say that there is no such thing and its actually a higher power a.k.a God....whatever you call Him.

Being a person who believes in a higher power and is still going around fostering hate and causing destruction and hurting others is serving two masters ......last time I checked, you cant do least not without being a hypocrite. So it all comes down to what your beliefs and conscience is doing for you.

Ask not what your conscience and beliefs can do you for you but what you can do for your conscience and beliefs.

if someone does choose to seek revenge, I am not saying they are "Godless" because anger is a powerful emotion and things happen but when you think before you act you will be better off.
The saran wrap vid is funny. The crazy glue one isn't. It was mean.

Yes, I agree. You got to draw the line when it gets that "physical", hurting is going to far. (however embarrasing the other guy is fair game!)

I just posted that one because it is referred to in the first one. That couple are always pranking each other and posting them. They have some good ones, and some not as good...

There's also another couple that does the prank and post. They are fun to watch...

Here's a classic:


Here this guy steps it up a notch compared to the one above. He gets her good! This is the other couple that pranks and posts.

great replies, but why hasn't Doug come back to reply to any of them?

Been reading them all just kinda pressed for time right now. Soon as I picked up my laptop when I was in my chair the 2 young Coonhounds wanted to be in the chair with me....
Karma, its real have seen it and continue to. :burnout:
Revenge isn't worth your time or stress involved in planning it. If "small" revenge is OK then so is "big" revenge. Make sense? What's the difference? Everybody looks at things differently. So the "eye for an eye / tooth for a tooth" thing could imply that revengeful murder is OK?
Hmmmm.............not in my opinion. Many may not agree with me, but I have been forgiven and I have forgiven. I know this has been a large part of the person I have become today.

I also think that quite often revenge will soon be followed by regret.
Most Athiests don't get offended because others believe in a God.
More often religious people get offended because we don't. :)

It's hard to stand behind a belief that was the cause of more wars and deaths than any other factor in history.

If I made the above statement a certain someone would have been all over it by now. Have lots of crap to say, just no time just yet....
People mis-use the term "eye for an eye" all the time. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with revenge. It was law that governed people in early history that required retribution. And it was not up to any individual to decide to take an eye for an eye. It was handled through the legal system of that time. This was not a vigilante like some of you are eluding to.

And frankly, I wish it would be brought back into our legal system!
If "small" revenge is OK then so is "big" revenge. Make sense? What's the difference?

Not exactly.

So what you're saying that if you steal a pack of gum from the store when you are 4 or 5 years old, it's a gateway crime that will lead to you being an axe murderer when you grow up.....

No... there are "limits" to keep things "within reason"....
Not exactly.

So what you're saying that if you steal a pack of gum from the store when you are 4 or 5 years old, it's a gateway crime that will lead to you being an axe murderer when you grow up.....

No... there are "limits" to keep things "within reason"....

gotta say this; you people that don`t believe in God, "will," when it`s all over with !! one way or another, suit youself!
So, for the "vengeful", where does "revenge" stop?

Some one wrongs you, You seek revenge, he retaliates, you "get him back", and so on...
escalating in each installment.
Most Athiests don't get offended because others believe in a God. More often religious people get offended because we don't.

As I recall, it was Atheists who complained about prayer in school, it was also atheists who complained about the 10 commandments in public buildings, about the crosses outside some churches visible from the highway, and a number of other things. Each of these complaints resulted in National changes for "Religious people".
I don't recall any "notional changes being brought about to the lives of Atheists in America, based on complaints by "Religious people".

More often religious people get offended because we don't.
My short list above, and the religious history in this country since the 1950's tend to disagree with your statement.

BTW, Atheism doesn't bother me at all. I believe the right to worship as you please, including the right not to worship, at all. Where the conflict comes in is when people decide to make decisions for others. For example, the 10 commandments in a public building. Why should they have to be removed to placate the sensibility of one while countering the sensibility of another.
For those people who appreciated them being there, it was a comfort, for those who didn't, they could have, just as easily continued to ignore them, as have them removed.

It's a good illustration of "Religious People" saying here it is if you want it, while Atheists demand their removal, saying, in effect, "If I don't want it, you can't have it". That doesn't seem to agree with your comment, above.

Inkjunkie said:
If I made the above statement a certain someone would have been all over it by now.

Yep. It doesn't matter who said it, it's still disagrees with the facts, and the history of the matter.

Have lots of crap to say, just no time just yet....

Revenge isn't worth your time or stress involved in planning it. If "small" revenge is OK then so is "big" revenge. Make sense? What's the difference? Everybody looks at things differently. So the "eye for an eye / tooth for a tooth" thing could imply that revengeful murder is OK?
Hmmmm.............not in my opinion. Many may not agree with me, but I have been forgiven and I have forgiven. I know this has been a large part of the person I have become today.

I also think that quite often revenge will soon be followed by regret.

Not exactly.

So what you're saying that if you steal a pack of gum from the store when you are 4 or 5 years old, it's a gateway crime that will lead to you being an axe murderer when you grow up.....

No... there are "limits" to keep things "within reason"....

No that is not even remotely close to what I said. But I did say I was that "5 year old in the store" who has been forgiven.
As I recall, it was Atheists who complained about prayer in school, it was also atheists who complained about the 10 commandments in public buildings, about the crosses outside some churches visible from the highway, and a number of other things. Each of these complaints resulted in National changes for "Religious people".
I don't recall any "notional changes being brought about to the lives of Atheists in America, based on complaints by "Religious people".

How about the FCC imposing on our freedom of speech for TV and radio...

No that is not even remotely close to what I said. But I did say I was that "5 year old in the store" who has been forgiven.

No, that's not what you said, but is what you (and some others) are saying 'between the lines"....

They implicate that just because you get even/play a joke on someone it will escalate to murder.... :wack:

Most of us know when to stop, or keep it "between the lines"... :evil3:

And the "Masters of Revenge" can screw you over, and you won't even know it. You will walk away from them with a smile, not knowing that they are the one who did it... :twisted:

That's also the incentive not to f*ck with someone hell bent on revenge. You have to pick who you poke at so you don't bite off more than you can chew.... :poke:
How about the FCC imposing on our freedom of speech for TV and radio...

While Carlin is indeed funny ( my favorite, in fact) a great deal of his routine is based on reality, but not often based on fact). It's "COMEDY", not "HISTORY".

The FCC is a government agency that is,quite literally, operated at the whim of the dominant political party of the moment.

For example, "The Fairness Doctrine". A complete misnomer for a bill to censor TV and radio. There is absolutely nothing "fair" about it at all, and it promotes the forces airing of programs, for "balance" that would not otherwise be economically feasible to air, because the listening audience of that station would not support it.
At best it's unconstitutional and a First Amendment violation, at worse if government heavy-handedness attempting to control what the public is allowed to hear, as is done in countries government by dictators, yet, it's proponents expect us to believe it's being done for our benefit.

We experienced a shot bout with "The Fairness Doctrine" in the late 80's and early 90's, and it succeeded in putting a few hundred radio stations out of business, and losing listener-ship, and there for, advertising ( the life blood of a radio station) for hundreds more, and caused many news station to switch to music, as it was the only way to keep the government from fining or shutting down your radio station if your reporting disagreed with the government's point of view.

Luckily, for American citizens, that sort of government censorship was frowned upon by a new congress, and the policy was dropped. But, it hasn't gone away, and has been brought under advisement during the Congressional Democrats a recently as 2009, by Nancy Pelosi, herself. In fact, it still occupies a place on her agenda list to this day..
So the "eye for an eye / tooth for a tooth" thing could imply that revengeful murder is OK?

There is no between the lines in my statement. I just said if revenge is OK, it's OK, big or small. I was not leading to escalation at all. Obviously "jokes" are not what I am referring to. As I said everybody sees and interprets thing differently. This is shown by how my statement reads to you.

Maybe I wasn't clear so here is what I meant by this.

Exaggerated example: If your child or a family member or a close friend is killed in a car accident by a drunk driver, (who is obviously very much in the wrong), killing the driver in revenge is not OK.
So the "eye for an eye / tooth for a tooth" thing could imply that revengeful murder is OK?

I also think that quite often revenge will soon be followed by regret.

This is the comment that I was referring to about a practical joke turning into murder....

And for the last part: Revenge is not followed by regret, but by a feeling of closure and is not eating away at your mind on your long term "to do" list after complete.... It sets you free...

Exaggerated example: If your child or a family member or a close friend is killed in a car accident by a drunk driver, (who is obviously very much in the wrong), killing the driver in revenge is not OK.

Here's a true story. I was rear ended by a drunk driver doing over 90 mph back in 1988. He got off with a slap on the wrist from the court system. The guy with his blood alcohol content had two court cases to be at that day, and went to the other one. My guy got off with a driving while impared instead of DUI...

It had severe whiplash from the accident. The cop at the scene told me that if I wasn't driving my old a-body in such good shape, and was in a new car, I would have been killed. I walked away.

I sooo wanted to kick his *** and leave him for his parents to find in his front yard. But I didn't. However it still eats at me today that I didn't do something... But if I were to look him up, he probably has had at least one DUI since....

Sometimes Karma will take care of things, other times you have to give karma a little push.... :D
Most Athiests don't get offended because others believe in a God.
More often religious people get offended because we don't. :)

It's hard to stand behind a belief that was the cause of more wars and deaths than any other factor in history.

Better roll in humanist history on that.

Take a look at the death toll brought by Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Che... then get back to me.
At best it's unconstitutional and a First Amendment violation, at worse if government heavy-handedness attempting to control what the public is allowed to hear, as is done in countries government by dictators, yet, it's proponents expect us to believe it's being done for our benefit.

That's what religion and government is all about, controlling people. By controlling what they hear and try to control how they think.

Our government was founded on double standards, SLAVE OWNERS THAT WANTED TO BE FREE.... :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

My original point was that censorship was started by pressure from religious groups and imposed on others. All they had to do was turn off the radio/tv, or change the station, instead they want to keep others from hearing it.... (Because it may conflict with the religious brain washing and/or political hidden agenda....)
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