TNT'ers think they are racers



Well-Known Member
May 15, 2013
Reaction score
Corsicana, Tx
I don't think I've seen this here, but several other Mopar sites I read have the following which always make me chuckle:
It's kinda cute to watch the test and tune guys post pictures of their low E.T.time slips with reaction times of .400 and slower in a racers forum. Please know that bracket racers are not the least bit impressed with how fast your car gets down the track during test n tune.
Only way you're going to win a round in real racing is if the other guy red lights.
Grinch mode off, now have a Merry Christmas!
IMO the most important thing is that guys are at the track enjoying their cars. No matter if it's heads up, brackets or T&T. My ¢.02.
And i find it most enjoyable taking out the regular racers that are at the track every week..i'm lucky if i get there 2 or 3 times a year
It's not meant to be fair, it's meant to see who has the fastest car. :D

Yup. :D

I was always annoyed at how they made compensations for slower cars.
Makes it more fun for the slower cars I guess, but it isn't racing to me.

It always struck me like trophy's for the Special Olympics, where every entry gets one no matter what.
I don't think I've seen this here, but several other Mopar sites I read have the following which always make me chuckle:
It's kinda cute to watch the test and tune guys post pictures of their low E.T.time slips with reaction times of .400 and slower in a racers forum. Please know that bracket racers are not the least bit impressed with how fast your car gets down the track during test n tune.
Only way you're going to win a round in real racing is if the other guy red lights.
Grinch mode off, now have a Merry Christmas!

There having fun and finding out how fast there car goes. Whats the issue?
Opinions are like a$$holes, right?
We all have one and they all stink....
JustinP nailed this one.
I like to drag race bikes... You know how many car "racers" I've heard piss and moan about bikes at the track?
There's something there for all of us.
We can't all afford to be class racers.
Bracket puts a lot more emphasis on driving than vehicle, and allows good competition between unevenly matched vehicles, and we've all seen slower vehicles put'em away round after round.
Some like electronics, some like footbrake, some like stick only.
I've also seen folks only concentrate on ET #s on TNT days while others are working purely on the tree and 60'.
You have a big wallet and fast vehicle? Good for you, but I'd rather tree you 4 out of 5 times...
I don't think I've seen this here, but several other Mopar sites I read have the following which always make me chuckle:
It's kinda cute to watch the test and tune guys post pictures of their low E.T.time slips with reaction times of .400 and slower in a racers forum. Please know that bracket racers are not the least bit impressed with how fast your car gets down the track during test n tune.
Only way you're going to win a round in real racing is if the other guy red lights.
Grinch mode off, now have a Merry Christmas!

Different strokes and I`m an et chaser and could care less about consistent 12-second cars..............:cheers:
On Friday night tnt were are tnt ing...I am trying to get the cars to run faster...

on Saturday night bracket race...trying to run consistence....not touching anything unless it needs attention....

and either are at the track racing....

and we all would love to run heads pro stock...but my bank account will not support..
On Friday night tnt were are tnt ing...I am trying to get the cars to run faster...

on Saturday night bracket race...trying to run consistence....not touching anything unless it needs attention....

and either are at the track racing....

and we all would love to run heads pro stock...but my bank account will not support..

Tony you are truly amazing wrenching 3, 10 second cars at your age.
Ah but you can have affordable Heads up racing thats fair, we had the best class ever in the UK in my opinion...."Super Modified", here were the rules.....shame I was out of it all back then.

I had this discussion with some Racers over here on a forum and thats all they keep saying......"affordable heads up, what planet is that on". but you can!..and you could water those rules down for heavier slower cars so less expense.....All we know over here is bracket/index racing, its become entrenched for us. Yes we got PM TF FC as well but only a few cars, its almost non existent, the whole meeting is more or less brackets/index stuff, I was never much into bikes but we got a super street bike heads up class running low 7's at 200mph on street tread and I've got into that in desperation for something half interesting to you know how boring it is to watch almost a whole day of brackets/index racing with cars that can run 8's on stops running S/G etc., and god knows what its like for the spectators who have an idea of what Drag Racing is supposed to be all about, watching 1 car leave then the other, or a car slowing down and then going again, from an ex Racers viewpoint, its:sleepy1:......

Anyway, as long as your having fun whatever your doing with your car, thats the main point, and although its exactly what I ran back in the day, today I wouldn't go near it if I had a car out again....lets face it if you build a car and got it set up well from the off so it hooks and runs well and you leave it alone its gonna be fairly consisent anyway isn't it unless you mess with it more so whats the big deal in just going out and repeating all the time, I would want to be at the car all the time trying to get another few 100ths or a 1/10th out of it and testing my tuning skills in a heads up race so I can run a quicker ET, and thats where having a good RT really counts in cutting that top beam first....not thinking about whether I've got the throttle stop adjusted right, or shall I pull out of the throttle cos I'm so far ahead, is that really Drag Racing?........perhaps it is to some, and thats fine, anyhow these are only my views and observations of what Racing today is over here......each to their own.
Everyone is different in there views and ideas. I personally like heads up not crazy about brackets or index but don't bash it cause there diff strokes for diff folks.I like to see what I can get my car to run at the strip a handful of times a year and o yes I even like to see dyno numbers , yeah I just said that ,here goes a can of worms lol so why can't we all get a long:D
It's kinda cute to watch the test and tune guys post pictures of their low E.T.time slips with reaction times of .400 and slower in a racers forum. Please know that bracket racers are not the least bit impressed with how fast your car gets down the track during test n tune.
Only way you're going to win a round in real racing is if the other guy red lights.
Grinch mode off, now have a Merry Christmas!

Do you think it's cute and stupid when a guy sits on a green light during test and tune so he can spool up and blast a 4 second run in the 1/8 mile? I enjoy bracket racing and I think test and tunes are fun, I'm always trying to get a new best. I haven't done much heads up racing but I love watching it. I even go to boring car shows and have fun. Who cares what someone else's narrow minded opinion is! Get out there and enjoy your car.
I like it heads up kill the light and hope you have enough, anyway its all good to me beats the hell out of shopping with the wife
don't ya kinda have to TNT before you can race it...? wouldn't you be excited if the TNT session netted you some real #'s? isn't a TNT day for the driver and his car - not exactly set up for fan enjoyment...? and who cares really what is posted afterward - as OP said, the postings are not even on this site.. so BFD...
Its all about having fun and I would say anyone that participates in brackets, heads up and tnt are keeping the tracks going instead of closing down.
bracket racer because that's the theater in which I can afford.... right now I have an extremely underachieving 10.5 tire car mixed with a poorly designed bracket car... but I have fun!
I wonder how (or if it's been done) a restrictor plate (like Nascar) carb only- no power adders heads up drag would work ?
Spit balling